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Sermon Schedule Grace Enews Sermon Schedule Grace Enews

Sermon Schedule -- Exodus: Redeemed for Worship

Following our study in Genesis in 2022, we will embark on a study of Exodus in 2023. The book of Exodus shows us how God is faithful to His promises to the Patriarchs. In His faithfulness, He redeems a people from slavery in Egypt to be a kingdom of priests, that they would worship and glorify him among the nations.

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Articles Oliver Chia Articles Oliver Chia

How to Reflect on Scripture?

Reflection is an important part of learning, but how can we do so for the sermon? Pastor Oliver shares a simple strategy to help us reflect on sermons and Bible studies, both individually and with others.

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Sermon Schedule Grace Enews Sermon Schedule Grace Enews

Sermon Schedule: Prayer

In this series, we will be understanding prayer using the A.C.T.S model, which is derived from the Lord's Prayer. The model has the following elements: adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication. Over the next month, we will be looking at prayers in the Bible and how they teach us to pray.

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Sermon Schedule Grace Enews Sermon Schedule Grace Enews

Reading Habakkuk

We've recently completed reading 1 Peter in our series on "Hope", and have just started reading Habakkuk. Though these books are in different Testaments and separated by hundreds of years, both these books show us what biblical hope looks like for the people of God.

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