Sermon Schedule: Ekklesia—The Church Jesus Wants

This new short series, titled Ekklesia, will focus on the church as spoken of in the Gospel of Matthew. 

The only places where Jesus uses the word “ekklesia” (Greek for assembly or church) are found in Matthew’s Gospel. In these passages, Jesus lays the foundation for the rest of the New Testament’s teaching on the character, mission and goal of the church. In other words, Jesus tells us about the church He will build. Hence, we would do well to listen to Jesus and allow His Word to shape how we live as His body, the church.


Over the next three Sundays, we will focus on the the mission of the church to make disciples of the nations, and the church’s goal to glorify Christ among the nations through gospel proclamation. The series will examine Christ’s authority, the power of the keys, and the church’s authority. We will also unpack the idea of apostolic truth and the gospel, holiness and church discipline. 


Through this short series, we hope to achieve the following:

  • Clarify the character, mission and goal of the church.

  • Build a biblical understanding of the congregation’s authority in congregational polity.

  • Disciple and equip GBC members to practise biblical congregationalism.



Watchnight Service 2023


Speaking of Jesus to Our Children