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Events Grace Enews Events Grace Enews

Baptisms and Transfers—19 May 24

At our 19 May 2024 service, we had the joy of witnessing the baptism of 3 new members. These, together with 8 others who joined us by transfer, were introduced during our Members Meeting on 12 March, where members of GBC voted to receive them. 

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Events Grace Enews Events Grace Enews

Baptisms and Transfers—17 Mar 24

We thank God for the 9 new members who joined us on 17 March. We are encouraged by their testimonies of how God has called each of them to Him, and how they chose to turn to Him and respond with trust and obedience.

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The Local Church and Building Healthy Churches

On 20 and 21 October, we hosted two conferences with Mark Dever, pastor of Capital Hill Baptist Church and from 9Marks ministry. The first conference was targeted at leaders ("Building Healthy Churches"). The other, which was jointly organised with Adam Road Presbyterian Church (ARPC) was for church members ("The Local Church"). 

One of our members, Ryan, attended both conferences, and shares with us his experience and reflections here. 

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Articles Eugene Low Articles Eugene Low

Body Building

In line with the new sermon series, The Church, Pastor Eugene recommends some resources to equip us to build up the body of Christ.

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Resurrection Sunday 2021

During our Holy Saturday and Resurrection Sunday services last weekend, we welcomed 24 new members and were reminded that our crucified Lord Jesus had risen!

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