Baptisms and Transfers—Jan and Feb 2024

At our Members' Meeting in January, the members of GBC voted to receive 21 new members by both baptism and transfer. Over three Sundays in January and February, we had the joy of witnessing the baptisms of some of our new members. 

On 21 January 2024, we baptised Andreia, Grace and Denise. These ladies shared how God used various life circumstances to show them who He is and their need for Him. For all of them, they were exposed to the gospel as children, but truly understood and affirmed it later in life. We rejoice with them and thank God for His gracious work in their lives. 


At the same service, Pastor Thian Chye introduced the members who joined us by transfer too. Pictured here are Derek, Susan, Clarilyn, Amelia, Grace, Wayne, Andreia, Denise and Sheena.


A week later, on 28 January, we baptised Daniel, Julia and Hui Yi. Julia and Hui Yi shared how God spoke to them as they read His word. As they read the Bible, answers to questions they had were answered even as they were walking through life's struggles. Daniel was exposed to the gospel from a young age, but it was only later on in that he understood the gospel and turned to God in repentance and faith. All three testified to God's faithfulness and grace in pursuing them and revealing Himself to them over the years. 

We were also introduced to other new members who joined us by transfer. Pictured here are Sarah, Magdalene, Hui Yi, Julia, Daniel and Ashleigh. 


On 18 February 2024, Gabriel, Yang En and Halynne were baptised. They testified to God's work in their lives as He saved them from their sins through the finished work of Christ. They professed their faith in Christ before the church community and as a church, we also rejoiced with them. 

At the end of the service, we also welcomed the members who joined us by transfer. Pictured here are Sei, Gabriel, Halynne, Yang En, Gideon and Gloria. 


What a joy it was to witness these baptisms and to hear stories of how God has been at work in the lives of our membres. If you would like to find out more about becoming a member of GBC, join us at our upcoming Church Matters class on 9 March 2024 from 9am to 1pm. If you are interested to find out more about this God that they speak about, feel free to reach out to our pastors, elders or your care group leaders! We'd love to chat and share more. 


Members' Meeting (10 Mar 2024)


Waiting and Working