Missions in GBC exists to complement GBC's vision to make disciples of all nations.
Goals of the ministry
As a ministry, we aim to achieve it by:
Sending and supporting disciple-makers among peoples and nations in Asia, prioritising the unreached;
Growing indigenous churches;
Working through sound partnerships to advance the gospel.
Our missionaries and work
We desire for our members to go out and make disciples of all nations. These are our members that are currently serving as missionaries.
Read more about some of our missions-related work here:
At our recent Prayer Meeting on 9 February, we heard from Hannah, our Missions Trainee. Here, she shares more about this Traineeship, as well as how we can be keeping her in prayer.
A group of GBC members regularly visit Cambodia to love and serve the people, and to also share the gospel with them. A team also made a trip this October, and Eng Ching shares her reflections and what she learnt about God from this trip.
Jia Huey shares how her recent trip to Kathy's Home in Pua has given her an expanded view of God.
Rebecca shares what God has shown her during her one month internship in Bangkok, and marvels at the work He’s doing in Bangkok, the church there and her life.
Ever wonder what the quarterly trips to Kathy’s Home in Pua are like? Ethan gives a helpful account of the latest trip and encourages us with his heart for the gospel and the people of God. We praise God for His mighty work!
At our Members’ Meeting on 10 March 2024, the Elders shared that one of our members, will be spending about a month with Bangkok City Baptist Church (BCBC).
Rebecca praises God with a lovely poem as she reflects on her first trip to Kathy’s Home.
Earlier in 2023, a team from GBC comprising some elders and members visited LifeLite Community in Tacloban City. In October, Bob, the pastor of the church, spent a month learning with us. We interview him here.
Clarice reflects on her first trip to Kathy's Home in Pua in Northern Thailand, where GBC conducts an English camp every quarter for the Hmong and Mien children staying at the home.
Chng Eng Ching give thanks for how God has given her a bird's eye view of doing mission work through His lenses as she reflects on her first mission trip with GBC to Cambodia.
From 14–18 September, a team of 10 conducted an English camp at Kathy’s Home in Pua. Read how the camp went and sign up for the next trip from 16–20 November 23!
Every quarter (except during the pandemic), GBC sends a team to Kathy's Home in Pua in northern Thailand to conduct an English camp for the Hmong and Mien children staying at the home. This is the 18th year that we have been partnering Kathy's Home in the Lord's work and we thank God for such a great privilege!
Want to explore what missions is like? Block your calendar from 2 to 6 October 23 and join the GBC Project Khmer Hope dental care and teaching mission trip.
Elder Jonathan updated the church on our vision for missions at our recent QCM. He also shared about new partnerships with like-minded churches and organisations.
One of our aspirations as a church is to establish gospel partnerships with fellow like-minded Christians for the advance of the gospel. Our Missions Committee has also been exploring similar opportunities with churches and organizations overseas, and one such visit was to First Baptist Church of Bandung.
From 3–7 March, a team of 19 headed to Kathy's Home to conduct a Vacation Bible School. We thank God for the team and the fruitful trip.
Obedience to God happens in both the big and small decisions in life and certainly, Christians are called to obey Him every day. So, what prompted our missionary, Esther, to consider becoming a missionary? She shares more about this journey here.
We thank God for the fruitful trip that the team had at Pua, Thailand this December. It's such a joy and privilege to be able to participate in God's work in this manner.
Esther is one of our missionaries and she was recently in Singapore on her Home Assignment. We sat down with her to chat more about her experiences and lessons that God has taught her and we will be sharing it in a series of articles.
After a 2.5-year break due to the pandemic, we are back to Pua to conduct the quarterly English Camp. We thank God for the team of 14 who headed to Kathy's Home from 23-26 September.
At our May prayer meeting, Yap Kim Meng shared about his and his wife, Goh Beow Kheng's work with the Navigators.
In 2016, William and Karen Lenn established Beacon Hall, a hostel in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It has been a fruitful time for the faithful couple as they witnessed how God provides and works in their midst. They share how it all started and their prayer for this endeavour.
At our prayer meeting in April, Steven Ngiam shared about our outreach to guest workers in Singapore. We replicate his sharing here.
At our prayer meeting in the month of April, Chester from the Missions Committee shared with the church about the Bangladeshi in Singapore and their needs.
We've been hearing from our missionaries at our monthly prayer meeting and our Missions Committee has been working behind the scenes to connect with our missionaries. Here, we interview Elder Jonathan to find out more about the Missions Committee and the work they've been doing.
We have been praying for our missionaries at our monthly prayer meetings, but sometimes we may struggle with praying for them. It could seem hard to persevere in prayer for people and needs that seem so distant from us. We may also feel like our requests are repetitive.
Sylvia Chong, one of our missionaries who has recently retired from Cru Singapore where she has served for 40 years, shares candidly the joys and struggles of serving in the missions field and how God has been faithful.
Last month, a team from GBC headed to Kathy's Home at Pua, Thailand to conduct Vacation Bible School (VBS). The team shares with us how God has put together the VBS programme.
14 GBC members, including Pastor Eugene Low's family, headed to Pua, Thailand to conduct the quarterly English camp at Kathy's Home from 6-9 December, 2019. Pastor Eugene Low reflects on the first time trip for the Lows.
How to be involved
The Missions Committee is also looking for volunteers in the following areas: project manager, communications specialist and prayer coordinator. Interested and willing members can email Elder Jonathan at (jonathantan307@gmail.com).
As a church, we can also be involved by praying for missions in the following ways:
Give thanks that God is still bringing people to know Jesus Christ even in this pandemic times.
Pray that we will steward God’s resources and gifts as we reach unbelievers and disciple believers with the gospel and Word of Christ.
Pray for God to call new members to join the Missions Committee and that people would respond in joyful obedience.
Pray that we as the church will be faithful to live out our Missions Statement.