Pua Mission Trip – Aug/Sep 2024
Jia Huey shares how her recent trip to Kathy’s Home in Pua has given her an expanded view of God.
One day every tongue
Will confess You are God
One day every knee will bow
Still the greatest treasure remains
For those who gladly choose You now
– “Come, Now is the Time to Worship” by Brian Doerksen
Sam and I sang the song along with a Hmong songbook in our hands as we attended a Hmong church service on Sunday in the village. We were able to understand the language through the help of Google Translate. As first timers on this mission trip, we had the privilege to attend the service and understand the beginning of Mak and Narola’s work among the Hmong people when they came to northern Thailand as missionaries in 1990. It awed me greatly to witness God’s redemptive plan of salvation for these villagers, around 20 to 30 of them now.
The Hmong People Group in Thailand
Mak shared that the Hmong people were displaced from the highlands of Laos during the Vietnam War. There are around 150,000 of them living in the mountainous area in the province of Nan and the Thai government has given them citizenship. Mak felt convicted to help the younger generation to assimilate into Thai society, hence Kathy’s Home was set up in May 2000 to provide lodging for the students to attend high schools in Pua, to equip them with the English language and more importantly the truth of God through Bible study classes on weeknights.
Mak’s Message to the Hmong Villagers
Sam and Jia Huey attended the worship service at the Hmong village in Maesanan.
Mak’s message during the Sunday service in the village resonates in my heart. The passage was taken from Acts 10: Peter came to Cornelius’s house to give the message which God revealed to him through a vision. It was illegal of Peter, a Jew to enter the house of Cornelius, but it was clear of God’s message that everyone who believes in Jesus will receive forgiveness of sins through His name (Acts 10:43).
Mak then brought his point across: God has opened His invitation to all who will believe in Him, will you come to accept His invitation? For those of us who have believed, will we accept His invitation to go and share the Good News?
Being God’s Feet in His work
I felt humbled being able to contribute by teaching English to the students at Kathy’s Home, to see God’s hand at work.
Personally, I gained an expanded view of God. Psalm 117 and Revelation 7 mentioned that all people from every nation, tribes and languages will bow down before the throne of God. It will not be done by man’s effort, but in God’s will and for God’s glory alone. As part of the body of Christ, it is blessing beyond words to be able to serve the Lord’s will according to His way.

Upcoming Trip
The last trip for 2024 will be from 28 November to 2 December (inclusive of travels), and we will be holding a Vacation Bible School instead of the usual English camp. If you are interested in joining, please speak to Beh (9788 6171) or Siew Kim (9752 5589).
You can visit the Facebook page of Kathy's Home for more photos and updates!
You can also read about past trips here.