Church Membership
We believe that disciples are meant to learn and grow in a local church, along with other believers.
The importance of membership
As Christians, what unites us is not common self-interests but a shared Saviour, who has self-sacrificially lavished His grace upon us. The gospel of Jesus Christ cements and sustains our relationships with one another.
Commitment and connectedness to the local church are not optional to our discipleship, but are fundamental to how we follow Jesus. The church is where we grow in Christlike love, holiness, humility and wisdom. We need one another in order to grow together. It is only when “each part is working properly” that the whole body of Christ “builds itself up in love” (Eph 4:16). We follow in Jesus’ footsteps by doing nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, by humbly counting others more significant than ourselves and by considering the interests of others, not just our own (Phil 2:3-4).
Our membership covenant details the responsibilities and commitment of members in this local body.
“Church Matters”: Our Membership Class
“Church Matters” is our membership class that goes through what we believe as a church, and what it means to be a church member. It aims to foster a biblical understanding of the church and church membership.
Whether or not we have been Christians for 4 weeks or 40 years, we all need to hear what the Bible says about how we live with one another in community. The more we listen to God, the more we become like Him. Church matters to God.
Here, Pastor Eugene shares why the church and membership are important:
The next Church Matters class
The “Church Matters” class usually takes place every other month, from 9am-1pm on a Saturday morning.
The next class will be on:
Next steps?
Those that have attended the class and are keen to become members can chat with an Elder about it. We’d encourage you to do so and would love to chat with you.
Contact us
If you have further questions, or would like more information, write to our Elders at info@gracebaptistchurch.sg.