Care Groups
We want to glorify God in the church by nurturing healthy discipling relationships that are built around God's Word.
About our Care Groups
To hear out a bit more about our community culture, watch this conversation about care groups at GBC.
Read more about our Care Groups
Here are some articles regarding our Care Groups to help you get a sense of what they are like:
Pastor Andrew introduced 3 new CGs that have just started meeting, or will begin meeting in January.
Our Care Groups have also been studying Isaiah and in a recent study, they spent some time looking at how Isaiah 63:7-64:12 records for us Isaiah’s prayer of faith, as the prophet intercedes with God on behalf of the people.
At GBC, we have Care Groups (CGs) that meet regularly in the week to not only study God's Word together, but also seek to care for one another by helping each other obey His Word.
Every few months, we introduce new Care Groups (CG) that get started up at Grace. At our recent service, we introduced 2 new groups that had just started.
At the monthly CLOBS sessions, our care group leaders (CGLs)not only spend time preparing for the CG studies, but also learn about various topics that help equip them to lead. At a recent CLOBS session, the CGLs looked at how our prayers together can be shaped by the Bible.
Seah Kah Yin and Gerald Chua share the challenges (and unexpected blessings) they faced as they lead their Care Groups during these pandemic years.
Cecilia Kang describes the life and growth of her care group (CG) and the ways that her CG shows love and support to one another.
Last week, we shared an article on the role of women in ministry. In this second part of the two-part article, we examine what are the practical ways to care for the women in CGs.
At the recent session of Centralised Leading of Bible Studies (CLOBS), our sister and ministry worker Carrie Chong shared with CG leaders how we can better minister to the women in our CGs.
Pastor Oliver explains why we should care and serve the strangers in our midst.
Joining a group
Interested in joining one of our Care Groups?
Explore GBC's Care Groups using the map below -- click the "Open Panel" icon on the top left of the banner and view them by gatherings on Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
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