We aspire to make disciples who love God and seek to follow Jesus for His glory.
About the ministry
As a ministry, the gospel is central. The gospel is the good news of the Bible that Jesus Christ came to save sinners by dying on the cross for their sins and rose again to show his victory over sin and death.
The gospel is what unites and gathers His believers. The youth ministry aims to connect with others through love and fellowship, gathering together to worship God through the study of His word and prayer.
As a ministry, we seek to grow through gospel-centred discipleship, the study of God’s Word and prayer, while relying on the work of the Holy Spirit.
The ministry also wishes for the youths to go and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ -- His life, death and resurrection -- through our witness, service, missions and evangelism
Who is it for
We welcome teenagers and youths who are between the ages of 13 to 18, i.e. mainly Sec 1 to JC 2.
When do we meet
We meet on the first three Saturdays of every month from 730 to 930pm. We also encourage our youth to gather outside during informal gatherings and will often hold social events during the school holidays.
Find out more about youth ministry here:
Our youth camp was held in December 2024. For four days, they gathered to learn about what the Bible says about relationships and how to apply it in life. Caroline Cheah, one of the youth leaders, shares with us what they did, as well as ways that they apply Scripture.
Pastor Jeremy shared some staffing updates for our Children, Youth, Young Adults and Christian Education ministries.
This year, our youths will be learning about relationships at their camp. Joshua shares with us why they picked this theme, as well as how the church can participate and help in this camp.
This is the third session at the Youth Day Camp held in June 2024. Nicholas helped our youths understand how to read the Bible themselves.
At our Youth Day Camp held in June 2024, Joshua traced the theme of the Kingdom throughout the Bible.
At the recent Youth Day Camp, Nicholas took the youths through the Bible’s story. God has revealed Himself to us through His Word. When we read it, we understand who He is, and our place in it.
Hui Yi, one of our YAs, attended and helped out at our recent Youth Day Camp. She shares with us what the youths did and how it was an encouraging 2 days.
Our youth will be holding a Day Camp on 21 and 22 June 2024, titled “Unpacking God’s Big Picture” and Joshua shares with us what they’ll be doing and how the church can be keeping them in prayer.
Our youths held their annual camp from 13-15 December. Timothy, one of our Young Adults, attended the camp not as a participant, but as one who was helping out. He shares about the camp as well as his experience here.
As we end the year, some of our ministries are planning for the next year and are looking for volunteers. If you are available and keen, we encourage you to contact the ministry, and see how you can build up the church in these practical ways!
At their 16 September 2023 youth session, Joshua led the youths to think about this topic. Through this talk, the youths were encouraged to consider how science and Christianity are not at odds, and the pursuit of science may also help us to worship God.
Our youths explored this topic at their recent youth session. Samuel Ho helped them to see rightly, the value of studying.
This was explored and taught by Joshua Lowe at a youth session on 19 August 2023. Though targeted at youths, some of the principles and considerations are also relevant to all of us.
Our youths had their annual camp from 18 to 21 December 2022. Theodore, one of our young adults, was one of many church members who went down to the camp to spend time with the youths. He shares his experience and reflections here.
Joshua shares what the youth leaders have been learning about how the world thinks of identity, and how it contrasts with what we have been reading in Galatians. This important topic is also the theme for the youth camp this year.
On 8 October 2022, the Youth Ministry organised a panel event for our youths on the topic of the Christian's social media life. Here are the books given out at this event.
Samuel shared this recently with the youths at their weekly youth meeting. Our youths are working through the book of Proverbs now, and looking at how this book has wisdom for life. In this study, they considered what Proverbs has to say about sloth and diligence. This is the second of two parts, and part one can be found here.
Samuel shared this recently with the youths at their weekly youth meeting. Our youths are working through the book of Proverbs now, and looking at how this book has wisdom for life. In this study, they considered what Proverbs has to say about sloth and diligence. This is the first of two parts.
One of the aspirations for our church is to encourage "every-member ministry". Throughout the week and at our weekend services, different church members are at work to serve the church and build up the church with their gifts. Here are some ministry needs!
We have a youth leader, Matthew Seah, and a youth, Joshua Lee, share about what it is like to be a part of the youth ministry.
Samuel Ho, who was one of our interns from July to November, shares about the experience Pastor Oliver and some of the interns had to speak at Kay Poh Road Baptist Church's youth camp.
Our youths had their camp from 17 to 19 Dec 2021, and Joshua shares with us how they learnt about and experienced God's lovingkindness during the camp.
Joshua shares with us about the upcoming youth camp from 17–19 Dec 2021. You can find more about the sign-up details at the end of the article!
Joshua reflects on how we can think about and approach pop culture, and how it can also be an opportunity to reach and engage the youths in our midst.
On 25 Apr 2021, Elder Chuan-Xin interviewed Joshua, our new Ministry Support Worker for Youth Ministry. We catch up with Joshua to find out more about him and his work with the youth.
Joshua, our Youth Ministry Worker, exhorts us to confess our sins to one another and how by doing so, we might be an encouragement to our youths.
Joshua Lee recaps for us the learning points of this year's youth camp and shares how the camp has prompted him to reevaluate what it means to be a Christian.
Joshua Lee recaps for us the learning points of this year's youth camp and shares how the camp has prompted him to reevaluate what it means to be a Christian.
Contact us
If you are interested to find out more or wish to join us, you can contact Nicholas (nicholas@gracebaptistchurch.sg).