Grace Baptist Church
Church Plant 2025
“ that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.”
Ephesians 3:10 (ESV)
Candidate for
Church Planting and Missions
At our 26 January service, Pastor Eugene introduced our candidate for the role of Pastor for Church Planting and Missions.
On 5 January, the elders shared our hope to identify someone early this year (1-2Q 2025). The job was also posted on MyCareersFutures and the job boards of Singapore Bible College and Baptist Theological Seminary for 3 weeks. 9 people applied from outside GBC.
1 suitable person was found. An interview panel made up of present and former elders met with him. They found that his doctrine was faithful and his philosophy of ministry was aligned with GBC’s and we share a love for the Great Commission.
The congregation will be asked to pray and make a final decision later in the year. We hope members will read the candidate’s bio and attend the info sessions to get to know him. Let us pray for him to be edified and built up through this process.
He is currently on pastoral staff at a Baptist church and had visited Singapore last year. He also comes strongly recommended by experienced well-respected Baptist pastors.
The candidate will preach two candidating sermons on 9 and 16 February and meet groups of members so he can get to know GBC, and us, him. There will be information sessions to get to know him:
9 February, after Prayer Meeting at 12.30-1.30pm, Room 310ABCD
16 February, 11.15am-12.15pm, Room 310CD
Members with questions can continue to speak with any elder, or write to them at
Where we are today
Our sovereign God has been growing Grace Baptist Church.
As of November 2024, the membership of our congregation is approximately 700, which is more than our sanctuary can accommodate at any one time. Our Children’s Ministry and Nursery total almost 130 children every week. Over the years many workers have planted and watered the soil, but God has given the growth (1 Cor 4:7).
What has happened to us has really served to advance the Gospel. We hope to see this continue as we invest in other churches and Christ is proclaimed (Phi 1:12, 18).
Other factors have spurred us on to think about church planting. God provided expertise to advise the elders and gave us a unity of spirit as we prayed and developed plans. We also received warm support and encouragement from our Chinese Congregation, without whom these plans would not be possible. The strong affirmation and support from our members is another.
Thus at our Extraordinary General Meeting on 17 November 2024, both English and Chinese Congregations approved the creation of an English Congregation church plant fund of $500,000 from our reserves.
Other Growth Options
Over the last three years, the Elders have explored whether a second English Congregation would be appropriate. We searched the Scriptures and sought God’s will in prayer about this.
The Bible describes a church as a single assembly of one covenant community. In Scripture, the Greek word for church (ekklesia) is used to describe one gathering in one place in worship on the Lord’s Day (Acts 2:1, 6, 5:12, 20:7). Maintaining multiple English congregations in the long term would see the unity of the one body weaken gradually as we have learnt from our and other’s experiences. Face to face meetings are necessary for our unity (1 Thess 2:17, Heb 10:24-25, 3 Jn 14).
On the other hand we see in the New Testament that the Gospel advanced as churches invested in other churches (Acts 14:21-23, Rom 16:1, 1 Cor 16:1).
Thus we believe that planting outward is the better option and in keeping with the Biblical pattern.
Church revitalization often refers to the process of helping another church grow to health in the power of the Holy Spirit. Ways to do this by sending out Gospel workers from GBC have been and will continue to be explored.
Pastor Oliver was sent out temporarily to help with Acts Baptist, and Yanadi will be going to pastor at the Fishermen of Christ Fellowship. The Weekender we held in 2024 was another platform aimed at revitalizing other churches. We pray for more of such opportunities with willing partners.
Churches Plant Churches
GBC's mission is to fulfil the Great Commission (Matt 28:19-20) as a disciple-making church that transforms lives with the Gospel and love of Jesus Christ.
We are disciples of Jesus. Thus we should be about the Master's business to go and bear spiritual fruit that abides (Jn 15:15-16). At the centre of that growth and kingdom agenda is the church, the precious bride of Christ. He gave Himself up for her, sanctified her and cleansed her unto holiness to be one in union with Him (Eph 5:26-27). Jesus is committed to building His church so that the gates of hell will not prevail over it (Matt 16:18).
We should steward GBC's strong growth over the last six years and use God-given resources to this end. Our intention is to plant a new church of like faith so that the Gospel can advance in another region of Singapore.
Lord willing, we would want to plant a Baptist church that shares GBC’s doctrinal commitment to the Scriptures, the Gospel, our Baptist distinctives and our ministry philosophy.
Chiefly, the Scripture prioritizes the advance of the Gospel by investing in local churches that proclaim Christ to the lost.
Taking steps to plant a church at this time will also:
Advance the Gospel beyond our region in Mattar Road to more lost people in Singapore, especially in areas not currently served;
Catalyze further growth at GBC by freeing up physical space and opening up new service opportunities and ministry needs;
Open opportunities to raise up new and able leaders for Gospel ministry;
Edify the people of God at GBC as we pursue the Great Commission through church planting;
Stretch our faith as we attempt a new work for the Lord;
Increase the number of churches of like faith and doctrine as a partner for the Great Commission; and
Teach us us important lessons for future church planting efforts.
For these reasons and more, we are excited to make God’s name known far and wide (Hab 2:14).
What can we expect to see?
The following steps are proposed to launch the church plant in four phases over two years, such that, Lord willing, we hope to see a new church established by end-2027.
Prepare Ground
Dec 2024:Ringfence resources at EGM. A designated fund establishes it as a priority.
Jan 2025:Share church planting plans, seek prayer.
Nov '24 - Jan '25
Propose Plans
1-2Q 2025:Identify pastoral candidate for church planting and missions.
3-4Q 2025:Form interest group for regular prayer.Engage like-minded churches who may wish to partner together.Set up channels to keep members updated.
Feb - Dec '25
2026:Venue preparations.Kick-off trial gatherings for worship and identify planting group (50 - 100 GBC members).Select name for new church
EGM 2026:Propose church planting budget.
Plant Church
Commission new church plant.Planting group to covenant as members of a new church.New church to appoint elders and deacons.New church to register as a new entity.GBC to commence funding.
Next Steps
What does this mean for GBC members?
There will be much to do and pray for in the coming months. We understand that some GBC members may be excited for these plans to be realised while others may be concerned instead. Let us pray and seek the Lord’s will.
Please share your feedback and views with the elders. You can do so in person at upcoming prayer and sharing sessions or informally, or you can write to us at
The Elders wish to be in a “listening mode” as we hear what members think and feel. We do not believe we have all the answers. Let us seek God’s mind together on these matters and not move in our own strength. May God be glorified as the Gospel continues to advance.
Pastor Eugene Low
Pastor Oliver Chia
Pastor Ngo Thian Chye
Pastor Jeremy Lee
Pastor Andrew Goh
Elder Gerald Chua
Elder Caleb Yap
Elder Mok Chuan-Xin
Elder Nehemiah Chong
Elder Jonathan Tan
Elder Beh Soo Hee
Elder Mori Toshiyuki
Elder Steven Ngiam
Prayer Areas
GBC members could consider taking time to pray as individuals, families or Care Groups for the following areas of prayer in the days ahead:
For GBC to have one united heart and mind in the Lord as we explore church planting
For our elders to have the wisdom, courage and humility to follow the Lord’s leading in this effort
For the Lord to supply us with the right people, including a candidate for church planting and missions who will lead this effort
For the Lord to move in the hearts of those who may be led to join the church plant
For God to provide for the many practical needs that GBC and the church plant will have, many of which remain unknown