Current Series
In the Gospel of John, John portrays the glories of Jesus’ person and work. In this Gospel, we encounter Jesus through His signs, His teaching, and His glorious death and resurrection. Jesus is fully God and fully man. He is the Word who has become flesh to reveal God the Father to us.
Past series
What unites us as a church? In 2 and 3 John, we hear about how it is the truth about Jesus Christ that binds believers together. These books are full of practical instruction for us and reveal how Christians are to walk together in the truth by loving one another, as well as by guarding and growing the gospel.
This Christmas season, we hope to consider how the Bible speaks honestly about our struggles and also offers true hope and lasting joy. This is why Christians celebrate Christmas.
This letter by Paul encourages the original hearers, and also us, to continue standing firm in the face of opposition.
The Book of Isaiah was written to a people who have put their confidence in worldly things that have no power to save. and speaks comfort to helpless sinners. It is a gracious invitation to return to God by trusting in His promised Messiah—the Servant-King.
The theme of the Lord’s return runs through this book. Though they suffered for the Lord, they were encouraged to stand fast in the faith, with Jesus’ resurrection and return as their comfort. As they await His return, they were exhorted to live in light of this hope.
Jesus lays the foundation for the rest of the New Testament’s teaching on the character, mission and goal of the church. Jesus tells us about the church He will build. We would do well to listen to Jesus and allow His Word to shape how we live as His body, the church.
The prophets looked forward to the coming of a son who would rule as God’s king. In the fullness of time, God has sent his Son, Jesus Christ. These passages in Matthew speak of the coming of God’s Son, who fulfils the hopes and expectations of the Old Testament.
We, too, are tempted to turn to other things we imagine to be “better”. Like the original audience, we also need constant encouragement to press on in Christ, who is superior to anything this world may offer.
The book of Exodus shows us how God is faithful to His promises to the Patriarchs. In His faithfulness, He redeems a people from slavery in Egypt to be a kingdom of priests, that they would worship and glorify him among the nations.
This is a short series in 1 Corinthians 12 to 14. The church, which is the body of Christ, grows as it builds itself up in unity and love. These chapters will focus on how the church is Christ’s body as many members come together as one.
This Advent series in the book of Psalms will focus on Psalm 96 to Psalm 100. These psalms of praise call God’s people to rejoice, for the Lord has come to save. He rules as King over all the earth. He is holy and worthy of all praise and glory.
Galatians, a New Testament epistle, speaks of the fulfilment of God's promises through Christ in the gospel, and the importance of this gospel.
As we work through Genesis 12-50 together as a church, we trace the history of God’s people and will see how God is faithful despite all the sins and flaws of His people.
Through passages in Mark, we learn of how Jesus was sent by the Father not to be served, but to serve and save the world.
Prayer is an important part of the Christian's life. In this series, we learn about how, and more importantly, why should we do so.
This Advent series titled "Glory has come" will help us prepare our hearts to receive the Word who became flesh.
Taken from Psalms 42-48, this series aims to encourage us to press on in faith and hope, fully confident in the promised Messiah’s power to save.
This series in 1 Peter and Habakkuk will focus on the theme of biblical hope. In both of these books, believers live and suffer as exiles in a hostile world, yet are urged to trust in our sovereign God, who is our salvation and hope.
This series in Genesis 1-12 will focus on the foundational chapters of Scripture, which help us to understand the rest of the Bible’s big story of creation-fall-redemption-new creation.
What are the characteristics of a biblically healthy church? This series will look at four passages in Ephesians to hear what Scripture says concerning the people of God.
This series in Luke aims to show us how disciples of Christ live a life of radical dependence by faith.
This Advent season, we will draw from passages in Isaiah to help us prepare our hearts for Christmas
Here are the sermons that were preached from 2015 to 2019.
Here are the sermons that were preached from 2013 to 2014.
These are sermons that were not a part of any series.