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Pua Mission Trip—May/Jun 24

Ever wonder what the quarterly trips to Kathy’s Home in Pua are like? Ethan gives a helpful account of the latest trip and encourages us with his heart for the gospel and the people of God. We praise God for His mighty work!

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Missions Others Missions Others

Interview with Bob Lerion

Earlier in 2023, a team from GBC comprising some elders and members visited LifeLite Community in Tacloban City. In October, Bob, the pastor of the church, spent a month learning with us. We interview him here.

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Pua Mission Trip – Jun/Jul 2023

Every quarter (except during the pandemic), GBC sends a team to Kathy's Home in Pua in northern Thailand to conduct an English camp for the Hmong and Mien children staying at the home. This is the 18th year that we have been partnering Kathy's Home in the Lord's work and we thank God for such a great privilege!

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Partnership with First Baptist Church of Bandung

One of our aspirations as a church is to establish gospel partnerships with fellow like-minded Christians for the advance of the gospel. Our Missions Committee has also been exploring similar opportunities with churches and organizations overseas, and one such visit was to First Baptist Church of Bandung.

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Missions Others Missions Others

Obeying and Following God in Missions

Obedience to God happens in both the big and small decisions in life and certainly, Christians are called to obey Him every day. So, what prompted our missionary, Esther, to consider becoming a missionary? She shares more about this journey here.

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No Retirement in God's Kingdom

In 2016, William and Karen Lenn established Beacon Hall, a hostel in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It has been a fruitful time for the faithful couple as they witnessed how God provides and works in their midst. They share how it all started and their prayer for this endeavour.

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