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Do You Hear the People Sing?

If you’ve been at our services, you’d have heard about the upcoming Reformation Concert. What is this effort trying to achieve, and more importantly, why is congregational singing important to a Christian’s life?

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Articles Grace Enews Articles Grace Enews

Recap of 2023

As a church, 2023 was an eventful year for us! As we reflect on the year together, we pray that you would praise God and give Him all the glory for Grace Baptist Church.

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Book Reviews Others Book Reviews Others

Spiritual Marriage

Eric Lui read Patrick J O’Banion's translation of Girolamo Zanchi's book, "The Spiritual Marriage Between Christ And His Church and Every One of the Faithful", and summarises for us Zanchi's treatise.

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The Local Church and Building Healthy Churches

On 20 and 21 October, we hosted two conferences with Mark Dever, pastor of Capital Hill Baptist Church and from 9Marks ministry. The first conference was targeted at leaders ("Building Healthy Churches"). The other, which was jointly organised with Adam Road Presbyterian Church (ARPC) was for church members ("The Local Church"). 

One of our members, Ryan, attended both conferences, and shares with us his experience and reflections here. 

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Upcoming Conferences in October 2023

We are excited to be hosting two conferences with Mark Dever on 20 and 21 October. Mark Dever is the Senior Pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church, and also serves as the President of 9Marks ministries.

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Articles Mark Collins Articles Mark Collins

A Picture is Worth…

Pastor Mark turns our attention to the picture of the church that God has given us in the epistle to the Philippians. He reflects on the beauty of the church as God has revealed to us in His word, and encourages us to consider how we too, can bring God glory through His body, the church. 

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Articles Eugene Low Articles Eugene Low

Body Building

In line with the new sermon series, The Church, Pastor Eugene recommends some resources to equip us to build up the body of Christ.

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