How to Reflect on Scripture?

Reflection is an important part of learning, but how can we do so for the sermon? Pastor Oliver shares a simple strategy to help us reflect on sermons and Bible studies, both individually and with others. 

I was a teacher at a Secondary School and a Curriculum Planner for the Ministry of Education for over eight years. Educators like to encourage reflection. Reflection helps learners to recall and summarise what they have heard and learned. We use a 3-2-1 strategy to promote reflection, and I have adapted it as a discipling tool. What is the 3-2-1 strategy?

In summary, we ask three questions: What are three points you recall? What are two applications that you would want to put into practice? What is one prayer request that you have? And we end the reflection by praying for one another. We can make our meet-ups more meaningful when we meet with our church members throughout the week or for a meal. We can do this when we spend 10-15 minutes reflecting on the past week's sermon and using the 3-2-1 strategy. When we do this, we would do one another spiritual good and encourage our hearts, reflecting on the Word of God.


For example, I reflected on this past week's sermon from Galatians 4:8-20. What are three points you recall?

  • Firstly, we have been redeemed through faith alone in Christ alone. We are now free in the gospel, so do not be enslaved by putting ourselves under the obedience of the Law for salvation (Galatians 4:8-11). We are sons of God, no longer slaves, so we should live free and not be enslaved again.

  • Secondly, we welcome faithful gospel messengers (Galatians 4:12-16). If the teacher or preacher is faithful to the word and preaches the true gospel, we should receive, listen and pay heed to them.

  • Thirdly, we should be zealous for the spiritual good of others, that is, seeing Christ formed in them (Galatians 4:17-20). We desire other believers in the church to grow increasingly like Christ, not just be happy!

What are two applications that you would want to put into practice?

  • Firstly, I need to remember what I have been rescued from. I remember the depth of my sin and my misery and enslavement to sin and sin habits. This slavery to sin is what I have been rescued from, and I should be increasingly grateful to God in Christ Jesus. I am now a son, not a slave, so I shouldn't return to my sinful past.

  • Secondly, I prefer harmony with others. Sometimes for Christ to be formed in others, I need to be courageous and say some true but hard things so that they can be encouraged to examine their hearts and actions against God's Word. Even if it means I must be uncomfortable speaking with them. I must love them enough to do hard things.

What is one prayer request that you have? I have a sinful tendency to forget that through faith in Christ, I am now a son, not an enslaved person, and God has given me the privilege of being his child. When I forget, I get down and upset with God and others or seek my identity elsewhere. Pray that I will be rooted in my identity as God's child, a son and not a slave!

This example shows how to use a 3-2-1 strategy to promote reflection on the Bible. Remember, when you meet a brother and sister in Christ, you can seek their spiritual good. Do you not have any methods to help disciple one another? You can ask these three questions. What are three points you recall? What are two applications that you would want to put into practice? What is one prayer request that you have? Beloved, let us help each other reflect on Scripture until Christ is formed in you.


Young Adults' Retreat 2022


On Sloth and Diligence (Part 2)