Sermon Schedule: A Son is Given (Advent 2023)

We will end the year with our Advent series based on passages in Matthew. The series is titled "A Son is Given".

The prophets looked forward to the coming of a son who would rule as God’s king. In the fullness of time, God has sent his Son, Jesus Christ. These passages in Matthew speak of the coming of God’s Son, who fulfils the hopes and expectations of the Old Testament.

Major Themes

Jesus is the promised Son, whose coming brings the Bible’s story to a climax. All the promises of the Old Testament converge on Jesus. He is the son of David, and born of a woman (son of Mary). He is the lion of the tribe of Judah (son of Judah). He is God’s own Son--fully God and fully man. This is a helpful continuation from our recently concluded Hebrews series, which sought to highlight how Jesus is better than the Old Testament's system of sacrifice and worship. He is what the Old Testament prophets were pointing too. 

Thus, Matthew also helps us see that Jesus is the Christ, God’s anointed King. But his kingdom is not of this world. He conquers in humility, not earthly might. The King will suffer and die to save sinners


As we listen to the sermons and read the texts, let us focus on the person and work of Jesus Christ, that hearts might turn to him. This certainly serves an evangelistic purpose, and is helpful for those that might have questions about Christianity, or would like to find out more about Christ and Christianity. 

The series aims to help believers focus on Jesus during Advent, that our knowledge of and affection for Him might deepen, as we wait for His Second Coming. 


Here's the schedule, which you can use to read ahead and prepare your heart for the preaching of the Word: 


EQUIP also held a session on the overview of Hebrews. You can watch it here, with the accompanying handout found here


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