Sermon Schedule: Prayer

Prayer is an important part of the Christian's life. Prayer, to put it simply, is talking to God. But how and more importantly, why should we do so? We talk to God because He has first revealed Himself to us. He has revealed Himself to be good and great and desires a relationship with His people, therefore, we can turn to Him. 

He has also told us how we should approach Him. This is not a new question, but Jesus also taught His disciples how to pray, because they had the same question. Jesus taught them how in the Lord's Prayer (Lk 11:2-4). This provides a helpful framework for us to follow, as it reveals Jesus' heart and desires. 

In this series, we will be understanding prayer using the A.C.T.S model, which is derived from the Lord's Prayer. The model has the following elements: adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication. Over the next month, we will be looking at prayers in the Bible and how they teach us to pray. 

To help us to apply what we have learnt, we have also compiled a prayer devotional. The entries were written by various pastors, elders, staff, deacons and members at GBC. Download a copy here.


Thanksgiving for Preaching Lab


Speak the Truth to One Another