Thanksgiving for Preaching Lab

From February to November 2021, we had a class—Preaching Lab—where a group of ~20 brothers came together to be equipped for the ministry of the Word. We hear from them what they have learnt, how they have benefited and what they were thankful for.

One thing that I have been hearing frequently as the thanksgiving of our members is the number of men and women in our church who are able to teach others. By God's grace, not only have we been able to supply teachers and preachers for our own pulpit and camps, we have also been able to help other churches who are currently in need of teachers and preachers.

We thank our leaders who have been deliberate about training the members of the church who are identified to have been gifted and proactively exercising their possible gifting. Last year, we gathered around 20 or so brothers from our church and ACTS Baptist Church to be equipped on how to handle God's Word for teaching and preaching in a class called Preaching Lab.

These brothers are:

  • Beh Soo Hee

  • Hewlett Chew

  • Matthew Choo

  • Samuel Ho

  • Yanadi Tan Ivory

  • Lam Lup Meng

  • Kagen Lim

  • Lim Seng Guan

  • Joshua Lowe

  • Mok Chuan-Xin

  • Marcus Ng

  • Ngo Thian Chye

  • Kenneth Poon

  • Andrew Sung

  • Bryan Tan

  • Tan Chong Tien

  • Jonathan Tan

  • Andrew Wong

  • Yeap Keng Teck

  • Victor Chan (ACTS Baptist Church)

  • Roy Lam (ACTS Baptist Church)

In the ten sessions, Ps Eugene and Ps Oliver taught from several books and from their own experiences:

  • Overview of biblical preaching

  • Framework for approaching the biblical text

  • Sermon evaluation

  • Understanding the Bible (Biblical Theology)

  • The three horizons

  • Applying the Bible

  • Sermon preparation

Besides the teaching, the participants also had the opportunities to prepare and deliver their 5-minute outline summaries as well as 12-minute sermonettes. From such a safe environment to practise, they were able to give and receive constructive feedback for their summaries and sermonettes. Beyond that, they have also developed friendship and brotherhood where they can share and consult their teaching preparation in the future, knowing that they will receive edifying help.

We are thankful for the gifts of pastor-teachers that God has provided for us. Do encourage them to exercise their gifting when you meet any of them.


What We Aspire to Be


Sermon Schedule: Prayer