Sermon Schedule -- Exodus: Redeemed for Worship

Following our study in Genesis in 2022, we will embark on a study of Exodus in 2023. The book of Exodus shows us how God is faithful to His promises to the Patriarchs. In His faithfulness, He redeems a people from slavery in Egypt to be a kingdom of priests, that they would worship and glorify him among the nations.

We will see clearly that God saves a people from slavery to serve him. Exodus shows us the identity of God’s people. We have been graciously chosen by God to be his kingdom of priests. It also shows us the mission of God’s people -- to glorify God among the nations by being holy.

Who is this God? Exodus reveals God’s character -- gracious, merciful, abounding in steadfast love and faithful, holy and righteous. Thus, the book of Exodus also helps us to respond to God and understand biblical worship too. It teaches us that worship is a response to God’s redemption, and according to his revelation. 

Exodus introduces and lays the foundation for some key Biblical theological threads, which ultimately find their fulfilment in Christ: redemption, prophet, priest, king, sacrifices, covenant, tabernacle, etc.

What are the aims of this series? 

  • To remind us of who we are and God’s purpose for us in the world. Following from the prior series “Body Building”, Exodus will highlight our shared identity as God’s redeemed people and our common mission to display God's glory in the world.

  • To shape how we live for God’s glory, in light of our salvation in Christ.

  • To help us understand the bigger story of the Bible, as the plot continues from Genesis to Exodus and on to fulfilment in Christ.

The schedule for this series is as follows: 


An overview of the book of Exodus was conducted at EQUIP to help us understand the book and its themes. You can watch it here, and also refer to the accompanying handout


Body Building Through Education


Recap of 1Q23 QCM