The King and His People: Psalms 42-48

For the next three weekends starting 22/23 May, we will be looking at Psalms 42-45, the first of a two-part sermon series on Psalms.

This series in Psalms 42-48 is titled, “The King and His People” and we will do it in two parts, first in May/June and then again in November/December. 

Through these psalms, we read of how God’s people face struggles and opposition while living in a fallen world. But the psalms also assure us that the rule of God’s King will ultimately triumph. Therefore, these psalms encourage us to press on in faith and hope, fully confident in the promised Messiah’s power to save. 

These psalms form the start of Book 2 of the Psalter (from Ps 42 to 72). In this section, the focus is on the King’s commitment to God’s kingdom. These psalms give voice to an individual’s faith, as well as corporately express the hope of God’s people. Psalms 42-44 point to our hope amid deep distress. Psalms 45-48 celebrate the kingship of God and his Messiah over the nations. 

These psalms continue to speak to us today. We, too, face trials and suffering in a fallen world. As the people of God, we long to be in His presence. These psalms teach us to trust in God and his King. He alone is our refuge and fortress. 

Through these psalms, we will also learn how we are to live as God’s people under His rule. May we, as a church, behold God’s glory, and thus display the power of His saving work to the nations!


The Medicine of Memory


Trusting God in Uncertain Times