Sermon Schedule: Isaiah—The Lord Saves

In 2024, we will spend a significant portion of the year in the book of Isaiah. 

Addressed to Judah during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, the prophecy of Isaiah confronts the sin of God’s people. Instead of trusting in their God, they have put their confidence in worldly things that have no power to save. Isaiah exhorts us to look to the LORD who saves. He shall sovereignly accomplish His plan to bring salvation to the ends of the earth. The Book of Isaiah speaks comfort to helpless sinners. It is a gracious invitation to return to God by trusting in His promised Messiah—the Servant-King.


Isaiah will show us the character and attributes of God. We will see how He is the Sovereign Creator who rules over the nations and is holy and exalted. God will also be shown as Judge and Saviour, Divine Warrior and Immanuel. Through His actions, we will learn of His nature, how He is gracious and merciful, one who saves and comforts His afflicted people. 

Isaiah is a book that teaches us God’s redemptive plan. God's plan encompasses all nations and the inclusion of the Gentiles in God’s people. God saves through judgement; the Servant’s substitutionary atonement. The idea of sin and judgment and Israel's exile is addressed.

It also teaches us about God’s eschatological kingdom as the promised Messiah, who is the conquering King and suffering Servant, comes to redeem and restore. Thus, it speaks of the good news of God’s coming kingdom, King, and salvation. God works to redeem a people to be His Spirit-filled community of servant-witnesses among the nations


Through this series in Isaiah, we hope that it will:

  • Deepen our knowledge of and confidence in God, whose sovereign purpose must surely come to pass.

  • Encourage us to have a big view of God, especially amid the uncertainties and upheavals of life in a fallen world.

  • Grow our trust and hope in God and His saving promises, fulfilled in Christ.

  • Engender faith in Jesus, the promised Servant-King, who is the only Saviour for sinners.

  • Admonish us to repent of unbelief, pride, self-sufficiency, hypocritical religiosity, and our reliance on worldly comforts and false hopes.

  • Spur us on towards holiness and humility as God’s people.

  • Cultivate mission-mindedness, as we behold God’s heart for all nations.


There will be two parts to this series: 


EQUIPping One Another


Recap of 2023