Sermon Schedule—Hebrews: Jesus is Better

For the rest of 2023, we will be in the book of Hebrews, in a series titled, "Jesus is Better". 

Written to mainly Jewish Christians who were in danger of reverting to Judaism, the letter to the Hebrews urges believers to persevere in the faith because Jesus is better. He is superior to the angels, to Moses and Joshua, and to the Old Testament priesthood. Hence, he establishes a better covenant with better promises as well as a better hope.

We, too, are tempted to turn to other things we imagine to be “better”. Like the original audience of Hebrews, we also need constant encouragement to press on in Christ, who is superior to anything this world may offer. We should, therefore, keep looking to Jesus while we run the race set before us.

In Hebrews, we will see how God has revealed himself through His Son in these last days. The writer of Hebrews emphasies Jesus’ person and work, how He is fully God, fully man, greater than Moses and Joshua, the great High Priest and ultimate sacrifice for sin. Jesus also clearly fulfils the Old Testament promises and inaugurates the new covenant with His blood. As a result, God’s people can live by faith in the future fulfilment of God’s promises. It provides biblical assurance and encourages perseverance. The church is a community of faith and mutual encouragement. 

What are the aims of this series? We pray that: 

  • Believers will be exhorted to press on in Christ and to hope in the gospel, and to live in holiness as sojourners and exiles

  • Weary Christians who may be losing heart in following Jesus will be stirred up. 

  • All who hear will repent from anything that detracts and distracts from Christ.

  • Believers will be encouraged to treasure Christ, who is better and be warned against spiritual lethargy and apostasy.

  • Readers of Hebrews will have a guide for understanding the Old Testament in a Christ-centred way. 

  • Members will be exhorted to continue gathering as a church for mutual encouragement. 

The schedule of the series can be found here: 


EQUIP also held a session on the overview of Hebrews. You can watch it here, with the accompanying handout found here


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