Sermon Schedule: 1 Thessalonians — Awaiting Jesus’ Return

From May to July of 2024, we will be preaching through 1 Thessalonians during our sermons. What are some of the key themes and big ideas of this book?

In the year AD 49, Paul was directed to Macedonia by the Holy Spirit (Acts 16:9-10). He preached at the capital, Thessalonica, and many came to faith. However the Thessalonian Jews were upset by the large number of converts and instigated a riot and Paul and his team were forced to leave. Paul writes to encourage the church to persevere in the faith amidst persecution. He refutes the false allegations made by his opponents and corrects errors like an inclination towards moral laxity and laziness. He addresses questions concerning Jesus’ second coming and the implications for believers.

Major Themes

As we read through this book, we will see how God is love, but also displays His wrath against sin. He is also a God that tests hearts.

The theme of the Lord’s return runs through this book. Christians in the church had to suffer for the Lord and were encouraged to stand fast in the faith. Jesus’ resurrection was their comfort and assurance of His return. Paul also encouraged them to work hard while waiting, not neglecting to meet with fellow Christians, evangelise, love one another, respect church leaders and pray without ceasing.


Why is this book important for us? As we read it, we pray that it will help us to:

  • Be ready for Jesus’ return

  • Imitate godly examples and be an example to others

  • Be dependent on the Holy Spirit

  • Increase and abound in our love for one another

  • Rejoice always and give thanks in all circumstances

  • Pray more


Here is the preaching schedule for this series. Take it and read along in preparation for the series and each week’s sermons!


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