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Ministry Yanadi Tan Ivory Ministry Yanadi Tan Ivory

EQUIP in 2022

Yanadi shares with us about the plans for EQUIP this year and how we can participate in the various classes to grow, and to help others do so too.

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Ministry Yanadi Tan Ivory Ministry Yanadi Tan Ivory

Thanksgiving for Preaching Lab

From February to November 2021, we had a class—Preaching Lab—where a group of ~20 brothers came together to be equipped for the ministry of the Word. We hear from them what they have learnt, how they have benefited and what they were thankful for.

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Ministry Grace Enews Ministry Grace Enews

Interview with Bibianna

Bibianna is our new ministry worker for communications and women’s ministry and she just joined the staff team at the start of August. In this article, we requested for her to introduce herself and the work that she will be doing, and also what prompted her to join GBC in this capacity. 

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Ministry Grace Enews Ministry Grace Enews

Interview with Yanadi

During last week's worship services, we interviewed Yanadi who has just joined GBC as a Ministry Support Worker for Christian Education on what the role entails and how we can pray for him and his family.

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