Older Men Session (OMS)

The Older Men Session (OMS), as its name suggests, is a gathering of the older men in GBC. Started by Yap Kim Meng, the men meet for an hour on every third Saturday of the month. July 17th marked the first session that the men had, and a total of thirteen men gathered for this Zoom session.

Kim Meng is no stranger to leading such discipling groups with men. Over the years, he has started many similar small groups with the men in GBC and also outside of the church. For the OMS, they will be working through the booklet titled “Classical Disciple-Making”. This is actually a compilation of 30 articles that Kim Meng put together to be used for disciple-making. Kim Meng first compiled it in 1996 and has been using it since then. In 2000, he even managed to print a 1000 copies for distribution and use. 

Kim Meng shared that having the same material for the 13 who met helped them to focus on something common despite their different backgrounds, or them not being too familiar with each other. Kim Meng even sent out a hard copy to all who indicated interest! 

In the first session, the men read the first article based on Genesis 12:3 and Galatians 3:29, and what it means to be a blessing to all peoples. They had an encouraging time of sharing some of their thoughts after reading the article and the hour ended with a time of prayer. 

The OMS will continue meeting and seeks to be a platform for the older men to connect with each other and in doing so, encourage one another. After all, there are similar initiatives for the older women, but till now, there are no such groups for older men! 

The next meeting will be on Saturday, 21 August from 10-11am. Those who are interested can drop Kim Meng a message at yappiekm@gmail.com.


Sermon Schedule: Hope


Running With and For One Another