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Events Grace Enews Events Grace Enews

Family Dedication (May 2022)

Last weekend, we praised God for the good gift of children that He has so generously blessed us with. We covenanted with God and one another to steward these young lives, pointing them to Christ and reflecting to them the grace that has changed our lives.

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Events Bibianna Yeo Events Bibianna Yeo

Women of Grace

The "Women of Grace" event was a half-day event held on 14 May 2022. The women of GBC gathered to share, pray, meet other women and to also learn together. Bibianna shares what took place and how God provided for the event.

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Events Eugene Low Events Eugene Low

Women's Ministry in the Church

Pastor Eugene explains why we have a women's ministry in the church and how it is to be carried out. A version of this was shared at our recent Women of Grace event, where the women of the church came to spend a morning together. 

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Church Picnic on 16 May

After two years of social distancing, we were excited to be able to gather for a church picnic at Fort Canning Park. Many came and spent the morning together at Fort Canning Park on this public holiday.

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Suffering Before Glory

Clarice, one of our members, had the opportunity to bring her grandmother to church on Easter for the service. She reflects on how this chance prompted her to think about the truth of the resurrection. 

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Events Grace Enews Events Grace Enews

Easter Meal Fellowship

Over the Good Friday and Easter weekend, different church members hosted or were guests at houses. It was a wonderful opportunity to get to know one another, one made sweeter by more relaxed COVID measures that allowed more to gather in a house. 

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Installation of Mark Collins

We thank God for bringing Mark, Megan and their children to us. As a church, we had the privilege of installing Mark Collins as our newest pastor for family ministries at our weekend services.

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A Day to Give Thanks

There were many things to be thankful for this past weekend, with the welcoming of new members at our Sunday service as well as the relaxation of some restrictions for our worship gatherings.

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Events Grace Enews Events Grace Enews

Installation of New Elders

During last weekend's services, the elders reaffirmed their vows to serve God's flock and the congregation also committed to support and work together with them for the good of the gospel.

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Events Grace Enews Events Grace Enews

Recap of 1Q22 QCM

We held our first Quarterly Congregational Meeting (QCM) for the year on 9 Jan 2022, recounting and giving thanks for the wonderful deeds of the Lord in our midst, and committing the new year to Him. 

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Events Grace Enews Events Grace Enews

Watchnight Service 2021

Despite the ongoing pandemic, the current restrictions allowed us to hold our annual Watchnight service in 2021. It was held both in-person and livestreamed, and many GBC worshippers gathered together in the sanctuary or in homes to reflect on the past year.

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Events Grace Enews Events Grace Enews

Family Dedication (Nov 2021)

During the last weekend of November, we praised and thanked God for the gift of families and children, and undertook the commitment to disciple the ten children whom God has entrusted to us.

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Events Joshua Lowe Events Joshua Lowe

Youth Camp 2021

Joshua shares with us about the upcoming youth camp from 17–19 Dec 2021. You can find more about the sign-up details at the end of the article! 

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