Recap of 4Q21 QCM
Our fourth and final QCM for 2021 took place on 3 Oct 2021 via Zoom.
Elder Caleb, the current chair of the English Congregational Leadership (ECL) also chaired the QCM and opened the meeting by welcoming all who came online. It was great to see the church gather online, in numbers that would have been impossible in light of current restrictions. Members also participated in the chat box and took the chance to interact with each other.
Thanksgiving and testimonies
Elder Chuan-Xin started the meeting by sharing some thanksgiving items. He introduced the recently concluded Adulting 101 series that the Young Adults (YAs) had, which was a 10-week series in the 10 Commandments.
Caroline, a YA who attended the series also shared her experiences. The series did not always run smoothly because it coincided with the implementation of COVID restrictions. Some of the sessions could not be held in-person and had to be moved online. The series prompted a lot of reflections for Caroline. In particular, the question, “do I care about my holiness?” was one that was stuck in her mind. She realised that we struggle to obey because we love the wrong things and obedience is not a one-time effort but is something continuous. She was thankful for the opportunity to meet and discuss with other YAs despite some initial awkwardness.
Elder Chuan-Xin, who also spoke at one of the Adulting sessions, was heartened by the chance to meet another part of the church. He also encouraged the church to take it up if the children’s ministry, youths or YAs approached any of us to share and speak with them!
Next, Elder Beh shared a point of thanksgiving regarding our missions giving. For 2021, our monthly offerings has been greater than the budgeted and disbursement amount. Despite all the uncertainties of the year, we thank God for His faithfulness in providing for our needs! Pastor Eugene also took this opportunity to pray and thank God for His provision and unchanging nature.
Welcoming new members
Elder Nehemiah had the privilege of welcoming the 13 new members who joined us recently through baptism and transfers.Through this short sharing and introduction, the church had the chance to get to know them. It was wonderful to see how different each new member is and how they had diverse interests etc, but thanks to the gospel, we are all now united in Christ and members of the same body. GBC members were encouraged to reach out to connect with new members if they lived or worked around them.
We thank God for (L-R, top) Shao Wen and Chelsea, Yibing, Eng Ching, Miracle Grace, (L-R, bottom) Meliza, Colin, the Goh family—John, Daisy and Lawrence, Einson, Shi Yun and Daniel.
Pastor Thian Chye also encouraged us to invite any newcomers to the upcoming newcomers’ meeting and also to Church Matters. He also updated about issues that some of our members were facing and encouraged us to love and support each other as a community. Pastor Thian Chye helpfully reminded us that the QCM is not primarily a business meeting, but is a family meeting where we can share our lives with each other.
Budget matters
Pastor Eugene and Elder Nehemiah took us through some budget matters in the next section of the QCM. The Elders have presented the budget to the Directors and they have met to discuss the budget. The finalised budget will be presented to the congregation in November and in the meantime, the church is encouraged to be praying for the leaders to have wisdom in this issue.
Pastor Eugene also shared some ways that we ought to be thinking about the budget. Our budget is a spiritual matter. In 2 Cor 8:1-5, as Paul wrote to the Corinthians, he focused on the heart of their giving. They gave generously, beyond their means and with joy and not out of compulsion. This was a giving that flowed out from the fact they first gave their hearts to God. Let us remember to give our hearts to Him, and in doing so, consider how we give in other means.
In the same letter, Paul writes in 2 Cor 9:10-12 a reminder that God supplies resources for us not only for us to enjoy but that we might be able to sow the seed we are provided. 2 Cor 9:10 teaches us that God gives us resources to steward so that we might wisely and prayerfully invest these resources for the sake of the gospel. Pastor Eugene encouraged us to also think about how we can reinvest and use our resources for the Kingdom even beyond our local church to help and support other churches and other ministries.
Thus, we have the following priorities for the budget:
Invest in gospel ministry
Ministry means people
People means ministry
Elder Nehemiah also took us through the budget process. Our EGM will be on 27 November. In light of what was shared earlier about how we are to think about our budget, Elder Nehemiah also encouraged members to look at the budget when it is ready and to write in with any questions.
Staffing updates
Ministry is about people, and Pastor Eugene also updated the church about the staff and their current roles. We thank God for how He has provided from among our midst different ones who have chosen to obey His call and come onboard as full-time staff. Currently, we have 7 full-time pastoral staff and ministry workers, 1 part-time ministry worker, 2 administrative staff and 3 interns.
Here is a summary of their roles, and you can find their contact details here:
Regarding the work of the staff team, Pastor Eugene shared that their work is guided by Eph 4:12. It is also our goal that the staff grow gospel ministry and also equip the church to do ministry. On top of that, we also hope to develop the staff for future ministry. Pastor Eugene shares more in this article.
Outreach, discipling and missions
The last major item for updating was by Pastor Oliver and Elder Jonathan. Pastor Oliver shared some of the plans for outreach and discipling. He first took us through Matt 28:18-20, reminding us that Jesus spoke as one with all authority, and He not only commands us to go, but He also enables us to do the work. We are called to make disciple of all nations, to baptise and to teach them to obey all that Jesus has commanded.
In Q4 of 2021, we will aim to have some public platforms to do so and also opportunities for training and equipping so that we will be able to do so informally. These include:
Two sessions by Thomas Hamilton on 7 & 14 Dec over Zoom titled “Evangelism and Outreach 101” and “The World of Missions at our Doorstep”
Evangelistic Christmas Eve Service
An animated video clip on “What is the Good News of Jesus Christ?”
In 2022, some of our EQUIP sessions will also focus on training and putting our resources that can help members do discipleship. There are plans to run the following month-long series to help our members know and grow in Jesus—“Introducing Jesus”, “Christian Truth” and “Christian Life”.
There are also some outreach opportunities that are available. Our guest workers outreach is still going on, and interested members can contact Thomas (, Steven ( or Pastor Oliver ( The tuition ministry is also looking for volunteers for tuition and homework support, and interested members can email Patsy and Lai Sai (
On the missions front, Elder Jonathan shared that he is currently shadowing Elder Beh and is in the process of learning from the team before taking over as the person in charge. Currently, the team members are Elder Beh, Helen, Kim Cheng, Joey and Thomas.
Elder Jonathan shared the Missions’ team missions statement and also helped us to see how the missions effort complements our other outreach efforts. Missions is evangelism to a different culture, different people groups and nations. It could involve us uprooting and moving to a different country, but we can also do so even in Singapore, where different people groups are in our midst.
The team hopes to achieve GBC's overall vision by:
Sending and supporting disciple-makers among peoples and nations in Asia, prioritising the unreached;
Growing indigenous churches;
Working through sound partnerships to advance the gospel.
The Missions Committee is also looking for volunteers in the following areas: project manager, communications specialist and prayer coordinator. Interested and willing members can email Elder Jonathan at (
As a church, we can also be praying for missions in the following ways:
Give thanks that God is still bringing people to know Jesus Christ even in this pandemic times.
Pray that we will steward God’s resources and gifts as we reach unbelievers and disciple believers with the gospel and Word of Christ.
Pray for God to call new members to join the Missions Committee and that people would respond in joyful obedience.
Pray that we as the church will be faithful to live out our Missions Statement.
Members Covenant and Closing
At the end of the meeting, Elder Lup Meng led us through the members’ covenant. It was a timely reminder of who we are in Christ, not only individually, but together as a corporate body.
Elder Chong Tien closed the meeting in prayer and reminded us that we are able to obey only because His Spirit is at work to change our hearts and to empower us.
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