A Day to Give Thanks

There were many things to be thankful for this past weekend, with the welcoming of new members at our Sunday service as well as the relaxation of some restrictions for our worship gatherings.

We thank God for the opportunity to welcome eight new members at our Sunday service on 20 March 2022. Koo Ming Hui was baptised, and we received Valerie Chua, David Livingston, Eugene Ow, Lois Yong, Charissa Quek, Timothy Wan and Caleb Yee by transfer. You can read their testimonies here.

Pastor Eugene shared in a recent sermon that "Baptism gives glory to God for the work that He has done." Indeed, it is always encouraging to hear the stories of new members, as they testify to God's faithfulness and goodness in their lives to draw them out of their sin and to Him.  Though they are of different ages, and have different backgrounds, one thing is consistent in their sharing—God graciously revealed Himself to them, and gave them the understanding. It is only by grace that they were able to see sin for what it is and by grace that they placed their faith in Christ as their Saviour from their sins. 

It is humbling and amazing too, to realise that even in the midst of this pandemic and great uncertainty in the world, God is still at work to accomplish His plans and purposes. We may not always see and be aware, but God is at work not just in an abstract way, but He is at work in the lives of people. Each person that is part of the weekend's gathering, the people we sit next to at service or meet at the lift lobby— God is working and we have a story to tell of His faithfulness. 


There was also another reason to be glad this weekend. At our services, the service leaders, on behalf of the ECL, shared with us what the recent changes to the government's COVID regulations meant for us as a church.

With effect from last weekend, zoning is no longer required. Access to the Fellowship Hall on Level 3 after service is also available, which means that worshippers are now able to meet each other after service. Though food and drinks are still not allowed to be provided, this is still good news after two years of not being able to do so! You can read about the changes in detail here.

As restrictions slowly change and ease, we look forward to resuming more of in-person church life that has been disrupted over the past two years. We encourage more members and worshippers to return for service, and to also stay around or head down to the Fellowship Hall to meet others. A ticket is still required for both our Saturday and Sunday services for now, but if you require assistance in anyway, or know members who do, feel free to write to the church at info@gracebaptistchurch.sg.

God has shown His faithfulness and has graciously provided for us in so many ways over the past few years! As last weekend reminded us, God is at work building His church, and drawing people to Him. We can trust that He will continue to provide for us, and equip us to be the church, as we seek to obey Him by faith in the coming days. 


Lent: Reflecting on the Life of Christ


Lent and Fasting