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Speaking of Jesus to Our Children

Christmas is approaching! In this beautiful account, Cecilia shares her hope that by speaking of Jesus to her children throughout the year, even if it is in bits and pieces, they will be able to appreciate the true significance of Christmas and know who to turn to when the world fails them. 

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Help Wanted! (November-December 2023)

As we end the year, some of our ministries are planning for the next year and are looking for volunteers. If you are available and keen, we encourage you to contact the ministry, and see how you can build up the church in these practical ways!

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Articles Mark Collins Articles Mark Collins

Gifts or Liabilities?

Do we struggle to see all that God has provided us with, or circumstances that we are in as His gifts to us? Pastor Mark acknowledges this struggle, and also encourages us to move from seeing God's provisions as liabilities to gifts. 

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Ministry Grace Enews Ministry Grace Enews

Serving the Littlest Ones

One of the growing ministries in GBC is the Children's Ministry and its nursery service for children below the age of 3 has been burgeoning, both with children and helpers. In this post, we share about this ministry and some of their needs.

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Family Dedication (July 2022)

On 31 July, we held our second family dedication of the year, committing with God and one another to come alongside the parents to raise these new children that God has so generously blessed us with. 

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Events Grace Enews Events Grace Enews

Family Dedication (Nov 2021)

During the last weekend of November, we praised and thanked God for the gift of families and children, and undertook the commitment to disciple the ten children whom God has entrusted to us.

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