Children Ministry's New Curriculum

Our children begin a new curriculum from the end of August. We asked the ministry team to share more about this new curriculum, why they picked it and how they hope this will benefit our children. 

From 28 August 2022, GBC’s Sunday School ministry will start using The Gospel Project Curriculum (by Lifeway Christian Resources). The Gospel Project is a chronological Bible study that will take the children through the entire Bible over a period of 3 years.

What it is

Their curriculum comprises of 12 volumes, which are listed as follows:

  • Vol 1: From Creation to Chaos (Genesis)

  • Vol 2: From Captivity to the Wilderness (Exodus - Deuteronomy)

  • Vol 3: From Conquest to a Kingdom (Joshua - 1 Samuel)

  • Vol 4: From Unity to Division (1 Samuel - 1 Kings)

  • Vol 5: From Rebellion to Exile (1 Kings - The Prophets)

  • Vol 6: From Captivity to Restoration (The Prophets, Ezra, Nehemiah)

  • Vol 7: From Heaven to Earth (The Gospels)

  • Vol 8: From Wonder to Rejection (The Gospels)

  • Vol 9: From Death to Resurrection (The Gospels)

  • Vol 10: From Many People to One People (The Gospels, Acts)

  • Vol 11: From One Nation to All Nations

  • Vol 12: From This World to the World to Come

Each volume comprises of 3 units. If you are keen to explore the curriculum more in detail, their lesson plans are available here.

Why the change

How is it different from what we’ve been doing? Since 2020, the Sunday school syllabus has attempted to follow the church’s sermon schedule as closely as possible. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of teachers, we had prepared lessons in the Gospel of Luke, 1 Peter, Genesis and the A.C.T.S. prayer series.

Following the sermon series with the rest of the church meant that teachers often needed to design their own lesson plans. With growing needs in the ministry, the Children’s Ministry team decided that it was necessary to move towards using a dedicated Sunday School curriculum for future lessons.

We had decided on The Gospel Project Curriculum for the following reasons:

  • The Gospel Project is an excellent gospel-centered resource with many features. It provides us with comprehensive lesson plans for all ages, teaching tips for teachers, home devotions for families, and much more!

  • The Gospel Project, being a standardised curriculum, would make it easier to onboard new teachers joining the ministry. We hope to use the well-written lesson plans as a handy discipleship tool to disciple new teachers to study and teach the Bible.

  • The Gospel Project frees up time for teachers to focus mainly on their lesson delivery. As each lesson comes with its own lesson plan and activities, the teachers need not generate their own material any longer. They have the liberty to choose from the whole range of currriculum resources to incorporate into the lesson.

Goal of the curriculum and ministry

As always, our goal for the ministry is the same of that at GBC -- to make disciples of Christ. Preparing and delivering a sunday school lesson creates the opportunity not just to disciple children, but teachers as well.

Our heartfelt prayer is for the gospel to be presented clearly and consistently to all children week after week. For the teachers, we are trusting that the Holy Spirit would kindle in their hearts a love for God’s word and God’s children. In all these, may the name of Jesus Christ be glorified in our labours!

How can we all participate

Parents can also participate and follow up after each week! The Gospel Project includes an “At Home” curriculum that is designed for parents to use as a Family Devotion. It comprises of a Bible lesson video, a recap of the Big Question, a short written devotion and a closing prayer.

Church, you can also be partnering us in prayer! We give thanks to our gracious Heavenly Father for:

  • Blessing us with the growth in the number of children and teachers in the ministry

  • The faithful service of all the teachers who have worked hard to put together lesson plans for the children.

  • His sustaining grace in persevering us through tricky restrictions in the past two pandemic years

Our prayer requests include:

  • Prayer for wisdom and faithfulness to steward the young hearts that God has placed in our midst

  • Prayer for the Holy Spirit to do His wonderful work of transforming hearts, that more souls may be won for Christ.

Has God given you a desire to serve children? Or perhaps, you may be interested but are not sure if you can commit? I’d suggest for you to sit in any of the children classes from 28 August 2022 onwards to have a classroom experience of The Gospel Project! Write to Siew Ting (, our ministry worker or our deacons, Melissa ( or Bryan (


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Finding and Cultivating Rest in God (Part 2)