Help Wanted! (September 2023)

At our recent Prayer Meetings, different members have been sharing about ministry opportunities as well as needs that have arisen.

Here, we highlight three ministries that are looking for volunteers. If you are available and keen, we encourage you to contact the ministry, and see how you can build up the church in these practical ways! 

Every service, a team of committed volunteers makes sure that slides, video and sound run smoothly for worshipers both in the sanctuary and at home. The ministry is looking for volunteers for three roles: slides, camera and video mixing and sound mixing. A few members of the AV team share their experience in an interview here.

No experience required and if you are keen to serve or find out more, contact Eugene ( or Dikaios (

The Children's Ministry is looking for volunteers to provide childminding services for parents who wish to attend the upcoming EQUIP sessions, "The Art of Parenting". 

The EQUIP sessions will be held over 6 Sundays from 11 am to 12 pm (17 Sep, 8 Oct, 15 Oct, 22 Oct, 5 Nov and 12 Nov). Volunteers will need to be available from 10.30am to 12.15 pm, and be involved in setting up the room and looking after the children during the duration of the session. 

If you are keen, you can sign up here, at You can also reach out to Siew Ting ( if you have any questions. 

We are looking for volunteers to help prepare coffee and tea and help with clean up. You can find out more about this ministry here, in a previous article

Interested members can write the team at


The Art of Parenting: Part 2 (Sep-Nov 23)


Praying for Presidential Election