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Ministry Others Ministry Others

Help Wanted! (November-December 2023)

As we end the year, some of our ministries are planning for the next year and are looking for volunteers. If you are available and keen, we encourage you to contact the ministry, and see how you can build up the church in these practical ways!

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Ministry Others Ministry Others

Help Wanted! (June 2023)

At our recent church camp, we talked about how we could do spiritual good to one another. As members of one body, there are both formal and informal ways that we can work together to meet each others' needs.

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Ministry Others Ministry Others

Help Wanted!

One of the aspirations for our church is to encourage "every-member ministry". Throughout the week and at our weekend services, different church members are at work to serve the church and build up the church with their gifts. Here are some ministry needs!

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Ministry Others Ministry Others

High Fidelity

Li Shiwei chats with Rolland Li and Caleb Kho, members of the Audio-Visual team, about joining the AV team during a pivotal period.

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