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Interview with Bob Lerion

Earlier in 2023, a team from GBC comprising some elders and members visited LifeLite Community in Tacloban City. In October, Bob, the pastor of the church, spent a month learning with us. We interview him here.

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Articles Grace Enews Articles Grace Enews

Ollie’s Time at Acts Baptist Church (2H23)

Pastor Eugene announced at the 30 April 2023 service that Pastor Oliver would be sent temporarily to Acts Baptist Church to pastor for six months as part of GBC’s gospel partnership with a sister church. Pastor Oliver’s time at Acts Baptist Church will span from 1 July to 31 December 2023.

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Missions Others Missions Others

Partnership with First Baptist Church of Bandung

One of our aspirations as a church is to establish gospel partnerships with fellow like-minded Christians for the advance of the gospel. Our Missions Committee has also been exploring similar opportunities with churches and organizations overseas, and one such visit was to First Baptist Church of Bandung.

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Ministry Grace Enews Ministry Grace Enews

Gospel Partnerships in 2022

At the start of 2022, our pastors and elders shared 8 aspirations for our church, and strengthening our gospel partnerships with other churches is one of the aspirations. In 2022, we thank God for the many opportunities to partner other churches in this way.

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