Healthy Churches in Asia

Pastor Eugene and some members of GBC attended the Healthy Churches Asia conference and he shares some of his takeaways and encouragement from this gathering. 

The Healthy Churches Asia (HCA) conference was held in early February. This is an annual conference for church leaders and missionaries in Asia. The theme of this year’s conference was “Our Sovereign God”. Pastor Josh Manley from Ras Al-Khaimah Evangelical Church in the United Arab Emirates was the speaker. 

I was joined at the conference by Pastor Oliver, our Ministry Worker Joshua Lowe and his family, Jimmy Tan, who serves on GBC’s missions committee, and our member Gideon Ooi. Samuel, our supported missionary, as well as the Collinses also attended the conference. It was wonderful catching up with them too! 

What went on at HCA

The HCA conference was a good time for us to be fed and refreshed in God’s Word. There were also practical workshops to equip gospel workers for ministry. I gave a talk on responding to conflict. The other GBC members also had the chance to share about our church’s ministry in Singapore. 

We had an encouraging time fellowshipping with other gospel workers. Attendees were from Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Vietnam, Cambodia, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Turkey and the UAE. It was heartening to hear of the ways God is at work in their churches among the nations. 

This conference afforded an excellent opportunity to build relationships and partnerships with other churches and gospel workers. As a church, we continue to desire for the gospel to go out from us to our community, nation and beyond. We also recognise that the work of the gospel is bigger than just our church. Other churches can reach other places and people. We seek to grow the network of like-minded churches in Singapore and beyond through partnerships and cooperation with others.   

Highlights from HCA

What were some highlights and takeaways from the HCA? Firstly, I am thankful for how God is working in Asia. When we are working hard and seeking to be faithful in the trenches, we may have a limited view of all that is going on. Conferences like the HCA allow us to pause and marvel at the many ways God is working through other pastors, ministry workers, missionaries and members of churches all over the world to accomplish His plans and purposes. 

God is working through other pastors, ministry workers, missionaries and members of churches all over the world to accomplish His plans and purposes. 

Secondly, the conference displayed church-centred missions in action. The gospel advances through evangelism and the planting and strengthening of local churches. It is important for missions to prioritise the church, because it is through biblically healthy local churches that believers grow into mature disciples who are equipped to go out with the gospel. The church is the origin, means, and goal of the missions task. To this end, there is a need for more healthy churches in Asia. 

Thus, partnerships are crucial. We hope to partner with other churches in Asia for gospel work. This could take the form of short-term missions trips or even sending some of our own to them longer term. The Weekender, which will be held at GBC in September, is also a way that we can establish and deepen relationships with some of these regional partners. A number of leaders from various churches in Asia have already expressed an interest in attending the Weekender. This four-day-long conference is an opportunity for leaders to come together to learn more about local church ministry, and to observe firsthand the life of GBC. It is also a fruitful time of mutual encouragement and for cultivating gospel friendships.

Church, your faithfulness in holding fast to God’s Word and loving one another has been an encouragement to many others.

Finally, God is also gracious to allow us to see how our work at GBC has encouraged churches in the region. We were able to catch up with pastors who had participated in our first Weekender in 2024. Church, your faithfulness in holding fast to God’s Word and loving one another has been an encouragement to many others. Let us keep walking in the truth together.

Partnering together for the gospel

There are many ways we can continue to pray for and participate in gospel work, both as individual members and as a church. Firstly, let us continue to pray for healthy churches in Asia. Pray that these pastors, missionaries and ministry workers will continue to be faithful and not grow weary in doing good. 

Secondly, pray that GBC will be able to discern missions opportunities we can support. There are some translation projects in the region as well as short-term opportunities that we are exploring. If you are interested to find out more about missions, do contact Elder Jonathan and Elder Beh, who serve on the Missions Committee. 

Thirdly, pray for our Weekender this September. Pray for the participants to be refreshed from this gathering. We will also be seeking members’ help in various ways, such as to host the guests etc, so look out for more details. 

Finally, we encourage members to visit some of these churches when you are travelling. Many of these churches are in Southeast Asia and Asia, in places many of us visit for work or leisure. Consider visiting these churches and allow God to use your presence to encourage them. 


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