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Christian Education Grace Enews Christian Education Grace Enews

Recap: EQUIP in 2024

EQUIP exists to equip us with God’s truth, that we may grow in our knowledge, love and service to Him. It runs on Sundays, usually for an hour after service. In the first half of 2024, there were a number of series on various topics.

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Articles Yanadi Tan Ivory Articles Yanadi Tan Ivory

EQUIPping One Another

Yanadi, who has been overseeing the EQUIP classes, shares with us the plans for 2024 and how the classes have been designed to build up the church and equip us for ministry to one another.

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Articles Yanadi Tan Ivory Articles Yanadi Tan Ivory

Body Building Through Education

We've just completed a short series in 1 Corinthians 12 to 14 on how we can build one another up in the body. Yanadi shares the role that Christian Education plays to build the church up, and how we can all participate in it.

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Ministry Yanadi Tan Ivory Ministry Yanadi Tan Ivory

EQUIP in 2022

Yanadi shares with us about the plans for EQUIP this year and how we can participate in the various classes to grow, and to help others do so too.

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Articles Eugene Low Articles Eugene Low

The Gospel at Work

Pastor Eugene encourages us to attend the upcoming Equip class on work, to equip ourselves to be faithful in our jobs for the glory of God.

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Ministry Grace Enews Ministry Grace Enews

Interview with Yanadi

During last week's worship services, we interviewed Yanadi who has just joined GBC as a Ministry Support Worker for Christian Education on what the role entails and how we can pray for him and his family.

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