Why does Complementarianism Matter?

We began our new Equip series on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood this past Tuesday. 

This is an 8-week series that will work through what the Bible says about God's good design for men and women. Previously, some of the teachers of the various lessons have shared about this topic is important and how it will be helpful. You can check out their video here

Elder Caleb spoke at this first session, and there was also a sharing by Anita Set. The rest of the series will also adopt a similar structure, and we are excited to hear from the other women in church as they share their own experiences and struggles. 

It was also encouraging to see 70 or so participants on the call come together to learn and consider this issue together. The chat box was lively, and many also sent in the questions that they had. Caleb also helpfully reminded us that this session, and subsequent sessions too, is a family conversation for us to explore and discuss these matters. We hope to model a way of considering this topic biblically and to also engage in discussions in a gracious manner.  

Why complementarianism matters?

Check out the recording of the first session, and you can find the accompanying handout here.

In this first session, the goal was to establish the need for a series like this, as well as to provide an overview of the entire series. In a quick survey of the times and world we live in, we were reminded that there is a real issue of gender confusion in our society. Yet, this topic is not only a Western idea nor is it only a young persons' issue. It is something that every single person has to consider and also live out.

Christians, especially, need to consider what God's Word says and to respond in faith and obedience. This is important for our personal holiness and growth, but also as a part of our witness to the world. The session provided a reminder that Christians can know and trust God’s Word on gender to be true, right and good, In contrast, the world in sinful rebellion against God lives with rising confusion over gender and identity issues.

Complementarianism is the biblical truth that God designed men and women with nature, worth, compatibility and roles. Right at the beginning in Genesis 1:27, we see God's design for mankind and He has established it from the beginning. We can be assured that as men and women, we are known to God. We need Him to search our hearts and lead us into godly maturity.

The sharing by Anita helped to end the session, and also put some flesh to these ideas. Her sharing was personable and clarifying. In her sharing, she outlined some of the real and practical ways of thinking about these truths and applying it in life. 

Internalising and personalising these truths

These truths prompt us to think and reflect on our own ideas of gender. In what ways have you seen the gender and identity confusion of the world? Do Christians truly understand, believe and trust God’s good design for men and women? What are we missing as a result? 

There are also some ways that we can participate in prayer. In particular, we can pray that:

  • This class would help our church believe and trust God’s good design.

  • We find a better foundation for human identity, joy and growth.

  • We would learn to minister to those in need who experience confusion over identity.

  • Our families and marriages would be strengthened through this teaching.

  • Men and women at GBC work together to display and image our good God.

For those that are interested in doing some further reading, Kevin DeYoung's "Men and Women in the Church" is a helpful resource. A large part of this series draws it material from this book.


The next 2 sessions on 19 and 26 October will examine foundations from Genesis and Jesus’ own teachings and example. We look forward to learning together as a church at these sessions. 


The Personal Approach to Disciple-Making


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