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Family Dedication (April 2023)

We continue to thank God for the young families in our church and the children He has blessed us with. We held family dedication at our 30 April 2023 service to celebrate some of these new lives.

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Family Dedication (July 2022)

On 31 July, we held our second family dedication of the year, committing with God and one another to come alongside the parents to raise these new children that God has so generously blessed us with. 

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Events Grace Enews Events Grace Enews

Family Dedication (May 2022)

Last weekend, we praised God for the good gift of children that He has so generously blessed us with. We covenanted with God and one another to steward these young lives, pointing them to Christ and reflecting to them the grace that has changed our lives.

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Events Grace Enews Events Grace Enews

Family Dedication (Nov 2021)

During the last weekend of November, we praised and thanked God for the gift of families and children, and undertook the commitment to disciple the ten children whom God has entrusted to us.

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