God Saves Through Judgement (Genesis 6:9-8:19)

Sermon Outline

(A) God judges: from creation to un-creation (Gen 6:9-7:24)

  1. Be warned, judgment is coming (Gen 6:9-13)

  2. Prepare for the coming judgment (Gen 6:14-7:9)

  3. Judgment comes (Gen 7:10-24)

(B) God saves: from un-creation to new creation (Gen 8:1-19)

  1. God saves by keeping His word (Gen 8:1a)

  2. God saves by establishing a new creation (Gen 8:1b-19)

Reflection Questions

  1.  How am I living now in light of the coming judgment?

  2. How am I in need of God’s mercies? How am I turning to Jesus for help?

  3. Give thanks and praise for how Christ has made me a new creation.  


Covenant Renewed… but the Impact of the Fall Continues (Genesis 8:20-9:29)


Sin in the First Family (Genesis 4:1-26)