Covenant Renewed… but the Impact of the Fall Continues (Genesis 8:20-9:29)

Sermon Outline

  1. New Beginnings, Renewed Promises (Gen 8:20 – 9:17)

  2. But the Righteous still Sin (Gen 9:18-29) 

“Even a man as great as Noah required mercy from God. In Jesus, the Seed descendant of Noah over whom the floods of divine judgment passed, this mercy was secured at the climax of all of human history (Eph. 1:10). It is available to all, then or today, who by faith call on the name of Lord and look to Christ.” – Willem VanGemeren.

Reflection Questions

  1. A covenant is a stunning relationship of love and responsibility. What areas of my relationships in church do I have to keep covenant?

  2. What areas of my life do I have to confess and turn in faith to Jesus Christ?

  3. In what ways has the promise-making, promise-keeping God spoken encouragement into my life situation today?


Sin Scatters, God Gathers (Genesis 10:1-11:26)


God Saves Through Judgement (Genesis 6:9-8:19)