Recap of 3Q22 QCM

On 3 July 22, we had our first in-person Quarterly Congregational Meeting after more than two years! We thank God for the great turnout and fruitful meeting. 

Elder Nehemiah opened the third Quarterly Congregational Meeting of the year by warmly welcoming everyone present in the room. There was a buzz and excitement in the air, as this was the first in-person meeting since 2020. Nehemiah also encouraged all present to use this time to catch up with old friends and meet new people.

In the opening prayer, we thanked God for the time that God has granted us to gather, and committed the time to Him. We prayed that it will be a time for us to reflect on the many good things that God has provided for us, and that it will also be a God-glorifying time. 

Ministry thanksgiving

Elder Chuan-Xin highlighted how in the past two months, we have had a few good events that provided a chance for church members to regather. What a joy it was! 

  • Women of Grace: About 50 women of all ages, demographics and also backgrounds came together to spend a morning getting to know one another and to pray. They also spent time learning about rest and ministering to other ladies. 

  • Church Picnic: Close to a 150 from GBC came together with their families and brought food and games to share wtih those around them. We were also blessed with good weather, despite the clouds or the reports of rain in other parts of Singapore.

  • Children's Ministry: A training session was held for 40 teachers by Pastor Mark. In the session, the teachers learnt how to present the gospel message clearly to children, and in a way that they can understand. 

  • Youth Ministry BBQ: Our youths held a BBQ in church during the school holidays. About 30 youths gathered and they had a good time learning how to cook and cooking for each other, under the watchful eyes of some adults. 

  • All-Leaders' Meeting: The pastors, elders, staff, deacons, care group leaders, ministry leaders and directors spent half a day together and identified areas and things we should focus on now. Regathering is one such area. 

Chuan-Xin also encouraged us to check out the ministry guides weekly to see what is going on in the life of the church, and how we can participate. Pastor Oliver then led us in a prayer of thanksgiving for His sustaining grace and power. 

Welcoming new members

Next, Pastor Thian Chye led us through a time of welcoming new members. In the last quarter, ten new members have joined us via baptism or transfer, they are: Eunice Wong, Matthew Seah, Angela Ang, Aurelia Chan, Goh Yi Le, Sarah Tan, Augustina Gunawan, Gene Low, Tim and Sherry Sinclair. 


(Clockwise from top left) Eunice, Angela, Aurelia, Augustina, Sherry, Yi Le and Sarah giving a brief introduction of themselves and sharing their prayer requests. 


Thian Chye also encouraged all members to reach out to newcomers and visitors. He highlighted the Newcomers' Meeting and Lunch (held on 10 July) and Church Matters (to be held on 16 July) as quarterly events that are held for all who are interested to find out more about GBC. 

We thanked God for these newcomers and prayed that we will love one another well and encourage one another to grow in Christ. 

Praying in groups

We had a time to break off to pray with the people around us in the room. Elder Nehemiah encouraged us to take this opportunity to get to know those around us too, and not to merely pray with those we are familiar with. It was encouraging to see and hear people doing so and lifting up requests and thanksgivings to God! 


Ministry updates

Elder Caleb and Deacon Annie shared about the welcome ministry as well as some needs the ministry has. Caleb shared that the slide that goes up at the start of our service which says, "To all who are weary, struggling and burdened, we welcome you in the name of Jesus Christ" represents our heart. We do not just want to be a church for GBC folks, but we wish to be a church that welcomes all in the name of Christ. He also encouraged the church by saying that we may not be perfect, but we are getting better. 

The work of the welcome ministry is anchored by three deacons—Sze Gar, Siang Teck and Annie. Caleb also took the opportunity to recognise the volunteers in the room who helped in all the COVID safe management measures to ensure that we could safely gather in worship. These volunteers responded to the call for help, came early for service and served faithfully amidst the changing measures. 

Some of the key welcome ministry efforts are being restarted. The team has also set up welcome tables located outside the sanctuary and in the Fellowship Hall. The Newcomers' Welcome Lunch has also restarted. Coffee and tea are provided after Sunday's service, and the team is still recruiting volunteers who would be willing to help out. Those interested can approach the deacons or write to them at

Annie, a deacon in the welcome team, shared about the process of welcoming people at GBC both on the days when we have services as well as the follow up after services.

She encouraged everyone to help the welcome team by encouraging visitors to register using the newcomers form ( or guide the visitors to the welcome tables, as well as invite them to the Fellowship Hall for coffee/tea after service and take the opportunity to get to know them.

Next, Bibianna shared the different communication platforms that are in place in GBC. These platforms communicate important things that we all need to know about the life of the church and there are three main platforms: 

1. (Digital) Ministry Guides 

The weekly ministry guides contain important information about the services, as well as the announcements in the life of the church. This can be accessed via the QR code that is flashed up at the start of the service. Worshippers can also access the week's ministry guide at this link: Worshippers who prefer to refer to a hard copy can approach the ushers. 

2. Weekly e-newsletter 

The weekly enewsletter—Grace Enews—goes out every Friday, and it features articles by the staff, as well as updates from the different ministries and events in church. This is the easiest way to get a summary of all that's going on in church. All who are interested can subscribe here:

3. Other platforms 

There is also the Watchman Prayer, which we use for prayer items, funeral notices etc. If you are interested, you can sign up at

Member will also receive emails regarding upcoming meetings like QCM, EGM and AGM. Emails with a summary of the meeting may also be sent after these meetings.

Bibianna encouraged everyone to sign up if they have not already done so, and to check their emails too. In a church of our size, there are many things going on and it is impossible to share everything during our services. Thus, these other platforms serve to communicate and followup from what has been shared at services with the goal of building church life. 

New interns

Following the ministry updates, Pastor Eugene introduced this year's three new interns—Gideon, Liam and Jillian. They will be undergoing our internship programme from July to November this year. The interns briefly introduced themselves, shared why they decided to take up the internship and how we could pray for them. 


You can read about how you can pray for the interns here.

Upcoming events

Moving on, Ps Eugene highlighted some key events to look out for in the next six months:

1. New Sermon Series

We will be wrapping up our current sermon series on Generations of Grace in August and thereafter till November, we will be embarking on a new sermon series on the book of Galatians titled, Faith Alone. Ps Eugene encouraged members to read the book of Galatians ahead of the sermons or read it with someone.


Ps Eugene next updated us on the schedule for EQUIP for the quarter from July to September. He highlighted that except for the EQUIP core series on Seeing Jesus in All of Scipture which will still be conducted via Zoom, all other classes will be held in-person in Room 310 either on Saturdays or Sundays.

3. Training Group 3 (Aug-Nov)

In September, we will be starting the third run of the Training Group for this year. Over four monthly sessions, the group will read, reflect and discuss the book, Church Elders: How to Shepherd God’s People Like Jesus by Jeramie Rinne. The class is open to everyone and the sessions will be held over Zoom. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Yanadi at 

4. Reformation Concert (29 Oct, 8pm)

In line with the sermon series on Galatians, we will be having a Reformation Concert this year on 29 Oct 22 at 8pm. On that day, we will not be having the worship service on Saturday but will have a combined service on Sunday, 30 Oct. Ps Eugene encouraged everyone to participate either by joining the choir/orchestra or in other ways such as logistics/admin/event management/sound etc. You can register here

[Find out more about our past reformation concerts here: 2018 Reformation Concert, 2016 Reformation Concert, 2014 Reformation Concert]

Membership and attendance

Ps Eugene expressed what an encouragement and joy it was that we could gather in person for this meeting and worship services. He shared how meeting face to face is such a blessing that the Apostle Paul mentioned it twice in his letters, in 2 John 12 and 3 John 13 respectively. He also reminded us that meeting to worship together is the first commitment of our Members' Covenant, "We will not neglect to gather regularly for corporate worship, or to pray for ourselves and others. (Heb 10:25, Col 4:2)"

Why is it so important to gather?

He explained that if we are to meaningfully obey Scripture's "one another" commands, then we must be with one another. What makes us a church scripturally is we assemble as God's people, not as a subset of the church but as a whole church. The most basic responsibility as members is to be present. He encouraged us to reach out to other members who are not here and encourage them to come for services regularly as well as for the members' meeting. Some of them might be attending other churches, then let's encourage them to commit to that church community and be members of that church. He emphasised that membership and attendance go together. 

What should we do when we gather?

Ps Eugene exhorted from Hebrews 10:24-25 that when we gather, we should: 

1. Consider—give careful thought to how we can encourage one another. He asked that we be intentional about encouraging others, by coming prepared to love and serve one another and be creative in ways that we can strengthen one another. For example, we could do so by coming earlier and leaving later, talking with one another about the sermon or about our lives, and praying for one another. He also encouraged us to speak to members we do not know and invite them for a coffee or meal or to our homes, as well as speak to the older saints or children or youth or to people who are different from us. In addition, we could think about how we can be hospitable, such as signing up for the monthly meal fellowships or join the newcomers meetings. We could also spend the month praying for one another by praying through the members' directory (email church office for a copy of the directory if you do not have one).

2. stir up one another to love and good works—provoke one another to love and good works so that we serve Christ faithfully together. The goal of worship is not social but spiritual—that we together grow in Christ. On our own, it is easy for us to get discouraged or lazy or drift away, but as we gather, we can receive encouragement from one another.

3. meet together...encouraging one another—don't neglect to gather regularly. Ps Eugene explained that Hebrews was written to a church that struggled to gather regularly. He shared that about one third of our members have not been attending services regularly. He asked that we reach out to those who are not present, find out how we can serve them or help them to gather regularly. He emphasised the need to pray for those who could not gather, that they could gather again; and for those who would not, that God would give them the desire to gather.

Elder Nehemiah explained that we would be hearing about gathering a lot as we go along as it is good for us and is out of love for one another. He clarified that there's no way the elders could reach out to everyone, and one clear and practical way we could serve is by stretching ourselves and applying gospel love by reaching out to one another.   

Members’ covenant

Elder Gerald leading the reciting of the Members' Convenant.

At this juncture, it was apt that we recite the Members' Covenant as we remind ourselves of the commitment we have made to God and to one another. 

Closing prayer

In closing, Elder Nehemiah encouraged the members to again break into small groups to pray for one another before Elder Chong Tien closed the meeting with thanksgivings to the Lord. We thanked God for His marvellous work in justifying us through Christ, and for the church He has gathered for His glory and purpose. We prayed that we would make effort to gather together and encourage one another so that we will grow in Christlikeness and that our love for God and for one another will grow. We prayed that as a community of believers, we would be a witness of the grace and love of God to others.


It was thus fitting that we should end such a fruitful meeting by feasting on the king of fruits. We thanked Elder Caleb for organising this feast and a group of members who have generously sponsored the durians! 


Introducing Our Interns for 2022


Discipleship in Generations of Grace