Introducing Our Interns for 2022

July marked the start of our internship programme. This year, we have three new interns—Liam, Jillian and Gideon. From now till November, they will learn more about GBC and ministry by working closely with the staff and different ministry leaders. The interns also have a rigorous curriculum where they will read and discuss different books on theology and ministry. 

We asked the interns to introduce themselves and how we can keep them in prayer.


1. Could you briefly introduce yourself? 
My name is Sreeraj Suresh Kumar (but you can call me Liam). I was born and raised in India, currently studying at Baptist Theological Seminary. I currently attend the East Coast CG. 

2. What do you hope to gain from the internship?
I want to prayerfully discern my future ministry by learning from church leaders.

3. How can we pray for you?
Pray for my further studies and future ministry.


1. Could you briefly introduce yourself?
Hi! I’m Jillian, twin of Clarice and daughter to Jimmy and Crystalle. I currently attend the Ang Mo Kio CG. 

2. What do you hope to gain from the internship?
Grow in understanding of God through His Word so that I may abound in love for Him and His church.

3. How can we pray for you?
Pray that I’ll grow in understanding of God’s character, His love for the church and personal godliness through the internship. Pray for opportunities to get to know sisters in the church better. Pray for clarity regarding ministry decisions.


1. Could you briefly introduce yourself?
My name is Gideon and I have been worshipping at GBC since I was a child. I am married to Gloria and we have 3 children (Naomi, Noah and Miriam) aged 9, 7 and 3 years old. We enjoy exploring new indoor and outdoor places in Singapore as a family.
2. What do you hope to gain from the internship?
Firstly, I hope to learn more about how to conduct and serve in ministry better. Secondly, as I grew up in the Chinese congregation, I hope to get to know the EC side of my church family better.
3. How can we pray for you?
Please pray that as interns, we would not just gain in knowledge and experience, but we would also grow in maturity in Christ.

Over the next few months, if you see the interns around, or if they approach you to get to know you, don't hesitate to say hi, and get to know them. 


Resting in the Wrestling


Recap of 3Q22 QCM