Opportunity to Pray with the Collins

At our 28 May 2023 service, Pastor Mark Collins gave an update to the church regarding his recent visit abroad and shared ways we could keep him and his family in prayer.

The Collins had come to Singapore in 2019 from their former ministry context after about two decades of fruitful ministry in East Asia. In God's providence, the Collins were led to GBC in April 2022 for Mark to serve as our Pastor of Family Ministries.

Mark shared how he has enjoyed the chance to minister to us and build up friendships with various members in the church during this period.

In his recent trip abroad, he shared how he was encouraged by the churches and the gradual reopening of the city, which gave them some hope that returning would be possible in the near future.

He shared the Collins’ desire to return to their ministry context, and invited GBC to pray along with them as they wait on God for direction.

Mark intends to honor his two-year commitment to GBC, which will come to an end in April 2024.

On behalf of the elders in the English Congregational Leadership (ECL), Elder Lam Lup Meng shared our appreciation for Mark and his ministry to us.

The elders intend to initiate a process seeking a candidate for when Mark vacates his role as Pastor of Family Ministries at GBC.

More details will be shared at our upcoming Quarterly Congregational Meeting on 2 July 2023, and all are invited to attend the meeting for more updates.

In the meantime, let's continue to seek God's will and direction for Pastor Mark and his family and for our church as we seek a candidate.

In all things, let us pray that God will be glorified as He works for our good.


Project Khmer Hope Mission Trip


Christ Enables Us to Do Spiritual Good