Interview with Sze Gar, our deacon
Sze Gar may not be a stranger to many of us, as she can often be found greeting and welcoming people outside the Sanctuary before each Sunday’s service. She has been serving as our deacon in the Welcome Ministry since 2020, but she has been involved in the ministry, as well as other ministries in the church for years before! We got her to share about her work as a deacon, how she’s thankful to God for the many ways that He has been at work in our church, and needs in the Welcome Ministry.
1. How would you describe your work as a deacon to members?
I serve in the Welcome Ministry — primarily in welcoming worshippers on Sundays and coordinating the different teams serving each Sunday, as well as help out with the weekly Grace eNews. Prior to being ‘called’ a deacon in 2020, I have been serving in these ministries and hence it is a continuation of what I have been doing for the last two decades.
2. How have you seen God at work in the church and in your own life?
God has deepened our desire to grow in His Word and over the years, apart from sound preaching, there have been growth in Bible studies — more structured – and in discipleship, how members are intentional in meeting up with one another to read with and encourage one another. I also see God revealing our hearts more to ourselves and one another, in being more honest with the struggles we face and being willing to be more vulnerable to one another, and through that, allowing the Spirit to work in us to surrender and submit to Him.
God has also energised the church the last few years, the growth in younger members has been very encouraging. I am also thankful for the earnestness of new members who stir us up to stand fast and persevere.
In my own life, God has been humbling me, reminding me to respect and submit to my husband, and also kept alive my delight in His Word. He has also pushed me to not be a sluggard, but to reach out to others more. I am thankful for His patience in this stubborn lump of clay.
3. How has God used serving in this way to grow your love for Him and His church?
Serving has helped me draw near to God and His people. It has grown my patience and love for His people and at the same time, allowed me to experience God’s love, grace and patience to me through His people.
As I serve, I have seen God’s gifts in so many people and I am often amazed at how He works in us, bringing us together to do good for His glory. Through serving, I have also gained the discipline of gathering, of which I am very thankful as I know how much I would have strayed if left on my own devices.
Serving has also enabled me to get to know many in GBC over the years, and kept me rooted in this community which I am grateful for. I am rather careless with my attitude and tongue, prideful and very stubborn, and so I am thankful to many who have not taken offence at me all these years and continue to show me God’s grace and love. Similarly, God has also taught me over the years that relationships can be difficult and I need to look to Christ, be gentle, patient, loving and difficult to offend, and in these I seek your prayers. I am reminded daily that we are all made in His image and He is working in us, but I am also very forgetful.
4. What are the areas of need in your ministry that church members can help with?
To welcome one another! We have many newcomers these past few years and it has been a struggle trying to get to know all. The welcome team misses out quite a number of newcomers, so it has always been my prayer that the congregation would get to know the person sitting next to them whenever we gather for worship or classes etc. It does not matter if the person is a newcomer or not, as long as you do not know the person sitting next to you, it will be very encouraging if you can take the initiative to pursue and know (as Carrie shared in her article here). I am very heartened whenever I hear accounts of people getting to know the person sitting next to them during service, and so I hope church members will continue to do so more and more.
In terms of communications, I am very thankful for Bibianna, she has been the one doing most of the work since she came on as a staff. It is a joy to work with her and there are many things that I learn and can learn from her, so give thanks for Bibianna!
5. How can church members be praying for you as a fellow member?
Pray that I will be an encourager, that I will be humble and persevere. Pray that everytime I doubt – can be often, that I will bring it to God and continue to seek and surrender. Pray that in my conversations or interactions with people, Christ will increase and I will decrease – oftentimes, I will remind myself that, but as conversations progress, I just grow bigger and Christ smaller. Most importantly, pray for my husband, two immediate families and many friends to be convicted of the need for Christ.