How Can I Model After Paul’s Prayer Life?
Ps Thian Chye encourages us to apply Paul’s prayer in 1 Thessalonians 1:2–3 to our prayer life as he shares with us how he does so.
As I was preparing to lead last month’s prayer meeting, I reflected on 1 Thessalonians 1:2–3. Let me share how I have been encouraged by these two verses.
“We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”
As I ponder over these two verses, our time together during the monthly prayer meeting may be similar to what Paul had in mind when he wrote to the church in Thessalonica. It dawned upon me that what Paul wrote to the Thessalonians is an occurrence that is already happening in our own church and we should be grateful and thankful to God. I would like to share with you five points on how I have applied them in my own life:
1. Give thanks for all of you here in GBC.
Sometimes, I neglect this area of thanksgiving as I have taken for granted the presence of every member, who is precious and an important part of this local body of Christ. Whether we have interacted or have yet to, you are a blessing to me. I want to say thank you for being my brothers and sisters in GBC.
2. Constantly praying for you.
I know we have been constantly praying for one another as a congregation during the monthly prayer meetings but also at other times. By God’s grace over the years, I have learned to cultivate a personal spiritual discipline of prayer by setting aside a specific time of the day to intercede for fellow saints. Just like our Lord Jesus, who has set an example for us where He withdraws Himself to a quiet place to pray. This is the time where I lift up members before God, to intercede for them as they go through the challenges and struggles of life. As I pray for our members, my heart is also encouraged and lifted up because I believe that God will answer me according to His will and in His time. As His children, when we have the time to talk to our Heavenly Father, then we will have the time to talk to Him about the joy and struggles of our brothers and sisters in Christ. I thank the Lord for this privilege and joy to constantly uphold you in my prayer. This is a ministry where every member can serve God and one another.
3. Give thanks for your work of faith.
I want to encourage you to “press on” all you saints!
The wonderful works that you are doing in our midst spring forth from your faith in Christ. James 2:18 says, “But someone will say, ‘You have faith and I have works.’ Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” Beloved, you have shown me your faith by your humble works. You have been serving the church faithfully and tirelessly. Though Christian service can be thankless and discouraging, there are many moments of joy and gladness in serving the Lord. I want to encourage you to “press on” all you saints!
4. Give thanks for your labour of love.
You’re not just labouring among us because you were asked to serve but willingly, doing it with the love of Christ. We serve one another because we love one another. We love one another because we love God. We love God because God first loved us! I want to say thank you for serving us with the love of God.
5. Give thanks for your steadfastness of hope in Christ.
When the situation gets tough or discouragement sets in or when there are no visible fruits of your labour, you cling to Christ and the gospel. I want to encourage you to take heart in what you’re doing. Our hope is not rested in what we do in ministry, neither is it found in members' response, but in Christ whom we serve.
Beloved, let us encourage and spur one another with the words of 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3. Let us ask God to strengthen our knees and help us to cultivate a spiritual discipline of prayer in our Christian life. When you talk to our Heavenly Father on a daily basis, think of Paul’s wonderful exhortation for us: you give thanks for members in GBC, remembering to constantly pray for them, giving thanks for their faithful service of love. And lastly, you celebrate and rejoice in their steadfast hope anchored in Christ.