Dear GBC…

As announced at our recent Members’ Meeting in March, Samuel, our ministry worker for Care Groups will be moving to join Mark and his family in their ministry. Samuel is taking this opportunity to share some of the things he is thankful to God for in our church, as well as ways that we can pray for him.

In 2019, I studied the whole book of Ephesians with a friend from my university Christian fellowship for the first time, and I remember being struck, for the first time, by the beauty of God’s design for His Church in His Word – how He created her (Eph 2), the love and blessings He pours out on her (Eph 1), His cosmic purposes for her (Eph 3:10), and His good design for how she is to function (Eph 4).

Looking back on the 4 years since I walked through our doors for the first time in 2020, what a joy it has been to not only see the beauty of His church in His Word, but also to experience it for myself as a member of this family. There’s so much to be thankful for:

Thank you for your hospitality – inviting me into your lives, your homes, and your families.

Thank you for your love – offering kind words, encouragement, prayer, and godly wisdom in times of need.

Thank you for your patience – allowing me opportunities to serve you, to learn and to grow, but also to make mistakes and fail.

Thank you for your gentleness – speaking the truth to me in love when I’ve needed correction, rebuke, or instruction.

Thank you for your grace – forgiving me in the times I sinned against you and overlooking my offences.

Thank you for your kindness – providing affirmation, guidance, and support in every way all along my journey.

Thank you for your faithfulness – being models of Christ of whom I can imitate.

Thank you for your friendship – surrounding me with sweet Christian fellowship.

In you, I have experienced a foretaste of heaven.

As I take a step forward in my journey, would you kindly pray that the Lord would: 

  • provide godly friends who would be to me as you have been.

  • make me bold in evangelism and faithful in ministry.

  • make me more and more delighted in His Word and dependent on Him in prayer.

I cannot know when I’ll be back worshipping with you again, but in the meantime, I’ll be praying for your faithfulness in the gospel, as I hope you will do for me also. I look forward eagerly to our continued partnership in the gospel, for His glory.



Thanksgiving for Mark and Family


Upcoming Youth Day Camp 2024