Grow Yanadi Tan Ivory Grow Yanadi Tan Ivory

Time and Money

Time and money are two resources that we often struggle to have enough of. What does God’s Word have to say?

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Grow Yanadi Tan Ivory Grow Yanadi Tan Ivory

The Art of Parenting

The series covered God's purpose for the family, corrective and formative discipline, family worship, boys and girls, and technology and social media.

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Grow Yanadi Tan Ivory Grow Yanadi Tan Ivory

Marriage Matters

This series unpacked God’s vision for marriage and the roles of men and women in marriage. It also worked through the other practical topics.

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Grow Yanadi Tan Ivory Grow Yanadi Tan Ivory

The Gospel and Mental Health 

This series focused on what the Bible says about mental health and the encouragement that we can receive from God’s Word and God’s people.

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Grow Yanadi Tan Ivory Grow Yanadi Tan Ivory

The Gospel and Singleness

This study focused on how the gospel speaks into singleness and how the single Christian is a valuable part of the church, called to be faithful and fruitful in the Lord.

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Grow Yanadi Tan Ivory Grow Yanadi Tan Ivory

The Gospel at Work

This study focused on how the gospel and our faith makes a difference in our work. It changes why we work, how we work and what we do.

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