Gather Joshua Lowe Gather Joshua Lowe

Dating and Engagement

What is dating? Does it matter who you date and what you do with your date? Is the Bible silent on this topic?

This is for those who are interested in dating or are dating. For the older members, this class is also relevant so that you may guide younger members around you to cultivate a healthy dating relationship!

Dates: 2 and 23 March
Venue: Room 310AB
Time: 11.15 am-12.15 pm

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Gather Joshua Lowe Gather Joshua Lowe


Theology is the study of the nature of God. If you would like to know about the God we worship, you need to study theology.

Dates: 23 Feb and 2,23,30 March
Venue: Room 301
Time: 11.15 am-12.15 pm

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Gather Joshua Lowe Gather Joshua Lowe


God has always been missional, ever since the creation of the world. Learn what the whole Bible say about Missions and what that means for your life.

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Gather Yanadi Tan Ivory Gather Yanadi Tan Ivory


If you are a Christian, you love Jesus because you heard the Gospel from someone. As we grow as Christians, it is important to consider our challenge, hope, and calling to faithfully share the Good News of Jesus Christ. In this three-part series, we will explore what biblical evangelism is, what must be communicated in the Gospel, and how to deal with common barriers and objections in Singapore.

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Gather Yanadi Tan Ivory Gather Yanadi Tan Ivory

Walking with One Another through Conflicts

Conflicts are an inevitable part of living in a close community, even in a church.  In this 2-session series, we will delve into how the gospel helps us understand the root cause of conflicts and quarrels,  what is its ultimate solution and how we can build each other up to Christ-likeness, even through the difficult times of conflicts.

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Gather Yanadi Tan Ivory Gather Yanadi Tan Ivory

Walking with One Another

Living as Christians in the present day-to-day proves to be more challenging than remembering the past redemption and the future promised glory. We need one another and we will explore how we can help one another to persevere in the faith.

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Gather Yanadi Tan Ivory Gather Yanadi Tan Ivory

The Church and Caregivers

God's Spirit indwells the church, and we can care for and counsel others in the body. In these two sessions of Equip, we will learn and apply caring for caregivers who often bear the burdens of looking after those who require long-term care.

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Gather Yanadi Tan Ivory Gather Yanadi Tan Ivory

Congregational Singing 

This seminar with hymn writer Matt Merker helped us to see the importance of congregational singing, and how we can all participate together to build up one another in this way. 

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Gather Yanadi Tan Ivory Gather Yanadi Tan Ivory

Side by Side

In this series, we will learn the skills to help one another in our everyday conversations as we walk side by side with each other.

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