From Groaning to Glory: Hope For Believers (Romans 8:18-30)

Sermon Outline

The winter prepares the earth for the spring, so do afflictions sanctified prepare the soul for glory.
(Richard Sibbes)

  1. Present Suffering is Bad, but Future Glory is Beyond Comparison (Rom 8:18)

  2. The Hope of Future Glory Amidst Suffering (Rom 8:19-25)

  3. The Hope of Spirit-Mediated Prayer Amidst Weakness (Rom 8:26-27)

  4. The Hope of God’s Good Purposes Amidst Doubts (Rom 8:28-30)

Because God assures us of our ____________ ______ in Christ, then we can ____________________ that God will accomplish His will for our good.

So what? What now?

Reflection Questions

  1. In the midst of my present suffering and weakness, where or who do I turn to for my help and hope?

  2. In the midst of my doubts, what or who do I trust? Where do I find my assurance and security?

  3. If this glorious hope is true and real, what is one way it will change the way I live this coming week?


From Generation to Generation (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)


God's Children Live by the Spirit (Romans 8:12-17)