How Great, O Lord! (Habakkuk 3:1–19)

Audio Block
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Sermon Outline

  1. We remember God’s past works (Hab 3:1-2)

  2. God comes in power and justice to save (Hab 3:3-15)

  3. Take joy in God our salvation (Hab 3:16-19)

So, a book beginning with complaint and distress ends in joy. Faith triumphs in life despite many calamities. Songs in the night anticipate the glad arrival of the eternal dawn in which the faithful shall receive their ultimate vindication. – O Palmer Robertson

Reflection Questions

  1. How have I been taking joy in the God of my salvation?

  2. How am I growing my trust in my God of justice and mercy?


A Very Present Help in Trouble (Psalm 46:1-11)


How Can, O Lord? (Habakkuk 1:12-2:20)