Beginnings (Genesis 1:1-2:3)

Sermon Outline

  1. In the beginning, God created… everything (Gen 1:1-2)

  2. With His powerful word, God created:

    a. the locations: days 1-3 (Gen 1:3-13)

    b. the inhabitants: days 4-6 (Gen 1:14-25)

  3. God created human beings: His image bearers (Gen 1:26-31)

  4. God completed His work and rested (Gen 2:1-3)

“Jesus Christ, however, as the second Adam, fulfils God’s image-bearing purposes and enables God’s people to do the same… Jesus is the image of God that we were intended to be. And as we are united to him by faith, God sees us as his children, clothed in the righteousness of his Son, to whom we are conformed (Rom. 8:29) in righteousness and holiness (Eph. 4:24). Through his living a perfect life and suffering the penalty for our sin as the perfect God-man, Jesus provided for humans to be renewed in the image of God through faith in him (2 Cor. 3:18; Phil. 2:6–7; Col. 3:10). Thus, those united to Christ again become God’s image bearing participants in his rule over the earth, fulfilling the original mandate to multiply and make manifest God’s goodness and glory in all the places that his people dwell (Col. 1:13–20).”
(Willem VanGemeren)

Reflection Questions

  1. How have I reflected God’s image in the way I have lived this past week?

  2. God made all things and reigns over all creation, even a virus. In what areas of my life do I have to grow in trusting God’s good and purposeful rule?

  3. Have I lost my awe of God? In what ways can I praise and give thanks for His goodness and power?


Creation Revisited (Genesis 2:4-17)


How Lovely is God's Anointed King (Psalm 45:1-17)