A New Hope (Isaiah 2:1-5,4:3-6)

A New Hope (Isaiah 2:1-5,4:3-6)
Grace Baptist Church (Singapore)

Sermon Outline

  1. What was meant to be (Isa 2:1-5)

  2. Our failure and pride (Isa 2:6-4:1)

  3. What will yet be (Isa 4:2-6)

Reflection Questions

  1. How would the hope of my future gain in Christ change the way I think, feel and behave right now?

  2. In what areas of my life do I have to humble myself and exalt Christ?

  3. In what ways can I better display the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ to others around me? How can we as a church better display the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ to others around us?


A Son Is Given (Isaiah 7:10-14)


Lost and Found (Luke 15:1-32)